11 | Locking Him Out

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He's kissing her.

No, I tell myself, she's kissing him.

But it's doesn't make my heart ache any less.

I was stupid to think that Asher loved me as much as I loved him – that he loved me at all.

Why would he love someone like me when he could have someone like her?

Asher brings his hands up and puts it on top of her hands which are still on his shoulders, then he takes them of and pushes her away. But the pain hasn't dulled and my eyes sting.

He scowls at her but all I can see is his lips on hers. "Olympia, we've broken up. Get over it."

She pouts and straightens her necklace. "But Ashy, I thought we were just taking a break. That's what you said." She sounds like a two year old and if I wasn't so heartbroken I would of laughed. But I am.

"No, that's what you said, and I told you that we were done. Permanently."

And maybe my laughter would of stopped and I would have felt sorry for the girl who Asher was glaring at. But I didn't.

It's then that Olympia notices me. She looks me up and down. "Who's this Ashy?"

Asher runs his hand through his hair. He looks as if he's in an internal argument with himself. "She's not important right now. What are you doing here..."

He's still speaking but I can't hear him. She's not important right now, that's all I can hear. I'm surprised my heart hasn't stopped beating because I swear it just broke. I know it's beating because I can feel it. Maybe it hasn't broken yet and is trying to get out of my chest. It's beating so hard and so fast it feels possible.

They're still taking – arguing? – but I still can't hear it.

Then Asher grabs my wrist and I know it's him because I feel sparks. "Lets go, Scarlett." He mumbles.

He's dragging me out the restaurant and I don't turn or look around but I can tell eyes are on us and that Olympia is glaring at me.

We must go through the magic door because before I've realised it we're in the Hell's dinning room.

I want to say something about the fact that we've left Thea but I know if I speak my voice will crack and he'll know the effect he has on me.

I know I shouldn't feel like this. Asher wants me after all, he wants me to stay with him in the land of the Gold Blooded.

But is it just because he needs a wife and an heir and I'm just the most convenient choice, because I'm here and I'm his mate and that's what I'm supposed to do.


But I don't let him finish because I'm running up the stairs all the way back to the bedroom. And when I lock the door it doesn't only feel like I'm stopping Asher from coming in the room, but rather that I'm locking him out of my heart. My life.


The banging on the door has finally stopped. Asher had been knocking and begging for at least an hour, but now he's stopped. I don't know whether I feel relief or disappointment.

I lay on the king sized bed looking up and thinking about Asher and Olympia's kiss. I know, probably the worst thing to do right now, thinking about the boy you love kissing another girl. But he did pull away. And the kiss was unexpected maybe he didn't even enjoy the kiss. But why wouldn't he?

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