4 | Everyone Loves A Badboy

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The weekend had been fun to say the least. Me and Asher had done nothing but watch comedies and horrors whilst eating popcorn. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be between me and him.

You'd think being bound to someone for the rest of your life would create some tension, but it didn't. I had never had anyone I could truly be myself around, except my dad. Everyone just looked at me once, noticed my purple eyes and labelled me as a freak. A monster.

All through my school experience I had never had any friends. Nursery was alright, the parts I could remember at least. Sometimes the other kids would ask, but back then it was something that made me special and different. The other two and three year olds seemed to like me because of my eyes.

But when nursery was over and it was time to go to Primary School, things started to get hard. The older kids started saying stuff and that lead to the younger kids in my class saying stuff as well. Soon enough no one wanted to play with me in play time.

Although it had been difficult getting through all the seven years of Primary, the real trouble started at Secondary school.

At Primary, the other children tended to avoid me more than pick on me, but it was so different at Secondary.

The bullying increased and started to turn physical. I'd get called a 'freak' and a 'monster', get pushed into lockers and even got my head shoved in a toilet a couple of times.

Although the weekend had been enjoyable, collage days were different. Collage was just as bad as secondary, maybe even worse.

I was worried about Asher coming to my school. Would he change his mind about me once he heard what the other kids say? Would he think I was a freak too?


Or probably not.

I had never had much faith in people, but I could only hope that I had not misplaced my trust in Asher. I just had to believe he wouldn't be like my classmates, after all he did know the truth about my eyes.

So when Monday came my thoughts had calmed down and I was thoroughly relaxed knowing I would have at least have one friend. I winced at the word. Friends.


A knock on my bedroom door woke me up from my daydream. "Scar, you ready?"

My dads gentle voice filled the silence. We hadn't spoken properly since Asher came. I was still mad at him for keeping secrets from me.

"Yep, just grabbing my bag."

Once I had grabbed my bag, I opened my bedroom door to come face to face with my mother.

He smiles at me. "Good morning."

"Morning." I mumble, pushing past him. I knew I was being rude but I couldn't help still being angry. I heard him sigh behind me but I payed no attention it and walked down the stairs.

Asher was standing at the bottom of the stairs, dressed casually but looking elegant all the same. He had a simple white t-shirt, dark jeans and a leather jacket. Typical bad boy look.

He had a deep green bag draped over his shoulder and his feet wore black leather boots.

"Have a nice sleep?"

I grinned at him and replied. "Actually, yes. The best sleep I've had in a while."

"So, how are we getting to... collage." Asher chocked on the word and sounded genuinely disgusted by the word.

I laughed. "By bus, or we could walk."

"Lets walk."


Asher's words played in my mind again as we walked towards collage.

Collage wasn't too far from my house, about twenty minutes away. But I rarely walked it.

"So... what did you mean when you said I practically sold my soul to the devil?"

Asher turned his head towards me and smirked. "What happened to our little deal?"

Oh yeah, I had forgotten. No speaking about the Gold blooded or us being mates. Ooops. I smiled up at him – Asher was at least a foot, if not more taller than me – innocently.

Asher chuckled. "You cached that, huh?"

I nodded.

"Well, my mums a guardian where as my dads... the devil. So I'm next in line to take his place once he retires or dies."

I stared up at him in shock. He's the devils son. As much as I knew I should be quivering away from him in fear, I didn't. My feelings for him did not change. Whatever my feeling for him were...

Before I knew it we had reached the gates of Mapel Hill Collage. I waited for the glares, scowls and looks of disgust, but they never came. Everyone was too busy staring at Asher and I could blame them.

The pale skinned boy didn't seem aware of my classmates open mouths and stares and just ushered me forward.

When everyone had developed from their shock, the whispers stared.

"Now I want a piece of that."

"Is he new, I've never saw him here before."

"What the hell is he doing with her?"

"Do you think he can play football?"

"I bet he's colour blind, that's the only reason he wouldn't be running away from freak eyes."

Tears stung my eyes but o refused to let them show. This time it was me ushering Asher forward.

Asher seemed visually more aware of the stares and whispers now, and looked at me worriedly or shoot a glare at someone every time we'd here one of my beloved nicknames. Note the sarcasm.

By the time we'd reached the office I was ready to burst into tears but I couldn't shout Asher how weak I was.

"Listen, Scarlett, I'm so-"

"Don't be, it's not your fault. It's not like this hasn't been going on for years." I mumbled the last bit under my breath but I knew he heard it. I almost felt bad as a pained expression covered Asher's face. I turned away to him and sat in one of the waiting seats. Once I had the courage to look back up at Asher, he looked like he was arguing with the office lady. His back was to me but his muscles were fence and he was making crazy and aggressive hand gestures everywhere. His voice was fairly low however, considering he was having a pretty heated up conversation. What ever this was about, it looked serious.

Finally the office lady gave up and went in the back. I walked towards Asher and put my hand on his shoulder, sparks flying between us.

"Hey, what was that about?"

Asher turned around to face me, his lips in a pout and his arms crossed. "I asked her politely to change my timetable to the same one as yours and she rather not politely said no. But don't worry, I got to her in the end." He had now stuck his chin up and had a proud look sketched on his face.

Everything was silence till my laugh broke it. "That's it!" Asher looked offended but slightly amused.

Before he could respond, the office lady returns with a sheet of paper in her hand. She hands it to Asher. "Here you go, dear. It's the exact same timetable as Scarlett Clair"- he must of told her my name so she could do his timetable - "I hope you have a good stay at Maple Hill Collage." She smiles at him as if she hadn't been arguing with the heir of hell.

I can't really blame her though, after all, everyone loves a badboy.


Q: What do you guys think about Scarlett's past?

Hey guys, I'd just like to clarify that Alexandria Genesis is an actual thing. However, I do not have it, nor know anyone who does so the way I described it in the book may be wrong or slightly inaccurate.

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