3 | Compromises And Deals

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Turns out I couldn't leave considering as I turned around, the magical door me and Asher came through was gone.

I narrowed my eyes at the empty space where the door should be till a hand was placed gently on my shoulder. My shoulder tingled and somehow I knew it was Asher who was touching me. He turned me around slowly till I was facing him. "Look, I know all this is a surprise to you but you'll get used to it, I promise.

I let out a shaky breath as tears filled my eyes. "H-how is this possible? Creatures like you– us, aren't supposed to exist." I mumbled, more to myself.

Asher wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I didn't pull away. And I didn't let the tears drop.

The warmth from Asher's body made the voices in the background fade, but I still managed to catch some pearls of the conversation.

"No, she's too young!"

"What did you expect to happen, Cupid?! They're mates and my son needs a wife and an heir."

"Don't call me that and no one, especially my daughter is making a fuc–"

"Both of you, calm down. How about we make a compromise." This voice was softer than the other two.

I heard a mumbled yes and a grumble.

"How about we let Scarlett finish this year in collage and if by the end of the year she still doesn't want to marry Asher, then we'll let her g–"

"No, no and no–"

"Oh come on, Hayden! After all Asher still needs to finish his punishment and we can't ale the poor girls decisions for her."

"Fine, Maria, but I'm not happy about this one bit."

Maria, who I presumed was Asher's mother, sighed in relief. "Good. How about you, Cupid?– I mean Rob."

I heard my dad mumble a couple of choice words under his breath before saying, "I really don't have a choice do I?"

I could practically see Asher's parents shaking their heads. "Alright." My dad dragged out the word like a spoiled child not getting his way.

The tears still hadn't left my eyes and I was glad. I didn't want to seem weak in front of everybody. Asher pulled his body away from mine but didn't let go of my waist. "Lets go back, yeah?"

I nodded, suddenly finding it very hard to speak. He picked me up in bridal style without hesitation and turned around. The magical door had appeared again –why couldn't it do that for me? –  and Asher kicked it open, again, and jumped in like he had done before.


The hot water hit my back and although it slightly burnt my skin, I was glad for the distraction. My dad had showed Asher to his room and I noticed that he was less than thrilled to have Asher staying with us.

The day had been crazy and all I could think about was Asher. Stupid brain. His snow white hair and how it would feel through my fingers, his leaf green eyes and how they seemed to be staring through my very soul, and his pink lips roughly kissing my jaw, my neck and his hands on my body, touching me shamelessly – no!

I couldn't let this happen. I didn't care if I was supposedly bound to him or even about his dashingly good lucks – what? It wasn't like it was some sort of big secret – I was not falling for Asher. I couldn't.

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