PD| "Dynamic Bullshit"

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Chapter Four

"Cry as much as you need to, that won't bring him back." - Sevyn.

Hey, it's Paris and Johan and Edith and Heidi! Haha, leave a message. Beep.

"Paris, it's your mom. You were suppose to pick these kids up two days ago. What are you doing?" Joyse asked from the answering machine. "Paris? I know your ass is there. Your auntie rolled by the house and said she saw your car. Pick up this damn phone. Hello?"

Paris just ignored it, sitting in the tub of water as she traced the "P" on the necklace that once belonged to Johan. Her chest ached from the pain of seeing him leave over and over in her head. She had been ignoring all the messages people had been leaving her, even the ones regarding work. She felt stuck in an invisible box full of needles that were all aimed at her heart where every time she moved it poked a little more.

She laid back, letting the water swallow her body as she looked up to the ceiling. She had told herself she'd stop crying over him so many times but every single time he hurt her she was crying again. She had tears in her eyes, bags under them from the inability to sleep at night.

She lost herself again. In him.

What makes her so different? The questioned echoed in her head. What makes her so worthy?

Who is she? Who is she? Who am I? Why her? Why not me?

She didn't know who she hated more. Herself or him for making her hate herself? She didn't understand why he found comfort in another woman when all she's always felt comfortable with is being with him. Why did he feel the need to ruin what she worked so hard for? What she thought was love was still and always will be a partnership for business only. She hated that she loved him.

She hated that she loved him.

"Here lies the body of the woman you killed..." she recalled the words from Beyonce's Lemonade, her whole album never cut so deep until then.

She wondered if she killed herself right now, would be even care?

Johan looked down at his phone wondering if he should call her to see if she was okay. She hadn't blown his phone up with text messages or calls yet like she usually did. She wasn't on any social media and everyone was calling him asking where she was and if she was okay. He knew how she would get but it had never gotten like this. She usually would text him and ask if he would serious then they'd argue and make up. But now it seemed as though she was really fed up with his ass.

He looked next to him to the woman he had spent the night with. Her name was Trina, she was stripper and another one of his regulars. She was soundly asleep, slightly snoring a little.

He got up to go downstairs, putting his boxers on as he dialed Paris's number. He pressed the phone to his ear and waited for a ring. Instead, he was greeted by her voicemail. He hung up and tried again just in case. Still the same.

He dialed the house phone instead and waited for a ring. It rang... and rang and rang.

"Hey, its Paris and Johan and Edith and Heidi! Haha. Leave a message." The beep sounded and he was hesitant to talk.

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