Chapter 19

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The next morning, Christie woke up to find herself sleeping in a comfortable bed. Sandra and Greta were sleeping in the beds next to her and were still fast asleep. With a big smile on her face, Christie stood up to stretch. Climbing out of her bed, Christie sneaked into the restroom to get herself cleaned up. After she washed her face, she stared at herself in the mirror.

"I'm meeting Matt's parents today. I'm kind of nervous. From the sound of things, this is the first time Matt has had to introduce someone to them as his girlfriend. Even so, thanks to RJ's assurance, I do feel much better. I just have to keep calm and be myself." She said as she took a deep breath. With a smile, she clapped her hands over her cheeks.

"Okay! Now I'm ready for anything!" She cheered. A second later, she heard a high pitched scream that almost made her jump out of her skin.

"Ah!!! Look at the time! We overslept!" Christie heard Sandra scream. The next thing she heard was a bunch of racket going on in the girls room. She carefully peaked through the doorway. Sandra and Greta were ransacking the room trying to get dressed.

"What happened to the alarm?! Greta you told me you set it!" Sandra freaked as she threw her shirt over her head.

"I did! I had it set at the exact time you said! Unless you turned it off while you were sleep walking again?!" Greta growled as she struggled to brush her hair out. Sandra froze for a second. Her face turned slightly red.

"For goodness sakes, Sandra! What's the point of having an alarm-clock if you're just going to turn it off before it can ring?!"

"It's not my fault! You know I'm not a morning person!" Sandra and Greta just kept bickering. Christie was a little nervous to get too close.

"What's all the racket?" She heard a voice from behind her. She looked back to see Matt walking up to her. He still had his glasses off as he muffled his hand through his hair.

"I guess Sandra accidentally shut the alarm off last night." Matt formed an annoyed look.

"Again? That's the third time this month." He stated as he walked up to the doorway.

"Geez sis, I keep telling you. You should get more than one alarm-clock. How are you going to handle this kind of situation when it comes to getting up for work and stuff?" Sandra struggled to keep her balance as she threw her shoes on.

"Don't give me that! Having more than one alarm is just crazy!" Before another word could be said, Sandra lost her balance and fell forward. She tried to stop her fall by grabbing hold of stuff from the closet. But the force of her pull was so intense, she just pulled it all right out with her. Christie ducked behind Matt as Sandra fell to the floor with clothes scattered all over the place. Christie peaked out from behind Matt as he just stood there.

"Like I said." Before he could say another word, Sandra shot her arm up and pointed her finger at him.

"Not...a...word!" She said with an irritated look. Greta looked over from the other side of the room.

"In any case, you'd better get moving Sandra. We have to leave in twenty minutes if we want to meet you folks at the station in time." Sandra shot up.

"What?! Twenty minutes?! There's no way I can be ready that fast! It takes me that long just to do my hair!" Greta calmly put her shoes on.

"Than you'd better quit laying around and get to work." With a grunt, Sandra jumped up and darted to the restroom slamming the door behind her. Christie just stood there with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Umm, is she gonna be okay?" Matt rubbed his neck.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's like this every morning. Just keep your distance and you'll be okay." Matt lowered his hand.

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