Chapter 31

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For the next several days, the friends all enjoyed tons of fun activities as they lived their summer vacation to the fullest. They all went swimming, fishing, surfing, hiking, played sports, even went shopping. It was the most fun filled vacation they could have hoped for. They wished it could go on for much longer, but all fun times come to an end sooner or later. Before they knew it, they were on the last night. As they all relaxed on the beach, they watched the sunset over the ocean. RJ laid back on his beach towel and stretched his arms out wide.

"Boy, this sure has been one exciting vacation. I can't believe it's almost over." Bethany let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I'm really gonna miss this place. All the great times and fun adventures we've had together. It almost seems like a crime to leave it all here and go back to our regular lives." Sandra picked up a hand full of sand and let it spill out through her fingertips.

"If only there was a way we could bring all of this back with us." Greta let out a chuckle.

"I have a feeling the town wouldn't be too thrilled having their backyard underwater." Everyone let out a laugh. Christie just sat on the sand listening to the sound of the waves.

"So...when we go home tomorrow, what's everyone planning to do?"

"I've got that big game coming up in a couple weeks, so I need to get some practice in." RJ stated. Bethany gave him a grin.

"Just make sure you do better than you did these past couple weeks." RJ rolled his eyes.

"Don't remind me. I'm still trying to get over the humiliation." Sandra rubbed her hands together to get all the sand off.

"Greta and I have our careers to think about. Our first day on the job is coming up soon." Greta let out a sigh.

"Yeah, the fun times are over and it's time to start living the real life. I just hope we'll still get to do this every now and then." Benjiro smiled.

"I am certain you will. Taking time off and having fun vacations like this one are essential. By having a couple of days to rest up, you are able to become rejuvenated and refreshed."

"That's true. What about the rest of you? What do you have planned?" Bethany spread her legs out in the sand.

"Chris, RJ, Ben, and I still have a few more weeks of summer vacation to look forward to. After that, we have one more year of high school to complete." RJ sat up.

"Even so, I doubt anything we do for the rest of our break will be able to top this. Even the game doesn't sound all that exciting compared to these last two weeks." Bethany's eyes widened.

"Did I hear that right?! My RJ said there's actually something more exciting than sports?!" RJ chuckled.

"Yeah, you heard me right, babe. I guess I'm loosing my touch."

"The beach can do that to you. Especially when you let all the sea water get to you." Matt stated. Everyone let out a laugh.

"So Matt, what are you gonna do? You gonna head off to college?" RJ asked. Matt looked up at the sky.

"Yes, the first day of the first semester is only a couple of days before you begin your school year. I still have some things I need to put together." Christie looked at him and smiled.

"Are you excited?" Matt smiled.

"Yeah, I am going to learn everything I need to know about being a detective after all. Thinking about that does get me looking forward to getting started." Benjiro smiled.

"I am certain you will make an excellent detective. By the time we have graduated, you will have spread your sense of justice throughout the whole town." Matt let out a laugh.

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