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The cool September air sent chills over Daniel as he waited at his bus stop. The sun was just beginning to rise and added a yellow tint to the dark blue sky.  Dan observed the blend of colors that reflected against the painted clouds. He loved witnessing day meet night; it was probably the only thing he looked forward to while waiting for his bus. Something about two polar opposites touching for the first time and melting into a mix of colors was beautiful to him.

Dan pulled his hands into his sleeves and wrapped his arms around himself to keep warm. His stomach was clawing with anxiety. Except this time, it wasn't his normal fear that haunted him. There was a tint of excitement.

When the bus arrived, he made his way down the aisle to his seat and sat down. Dan nervously drummed his fingers. He couldn't help it, his brain was going fucking insane. Of course, the yelling, cursing, and throwing of paper that was happening in the back of the bus didn't help. How were they so damn energetic at 6 a.m.?

The bus began to slow down as it reached the next stop. Dan quickly looked out the window and couldn't help but grin. There he was. Wearing the most ridiculous outfit ever.

The seconds that Phil took to get on the bus felt like centuries to Daniel.

I like your cat laser shirt, Dan wanted to say as Phil sat down. Instead, he stared at his knees intently as if frozen in fear.

"Did you like the music?"

"Wha- What?" Dan said stupidly.

"The music," Phil said. "I wrote down those songs for you?"

"Oh," Dan blushed with embarrassment. "I wasn't able to to, um, the only computer we have is... my mom's boyfriend's and he won't let me use it. We just have a shitty CD player." He laughed nervously. God, he sounded so stupid. Mentioning Greg made him feel uncomfortable, as if he was bringing Phil into his home life.

"Oh, that's alright," Phil said. "I brought my iPod again. And, I have earbuds now, so we can both listen." He flashed a grin, making Daniel's insides dance.

Phil handed him one earbud and pressed play. This time, it was a playlist, so he wasn't finding new songs every couple of minutes. It wasn't long before they got to talking about the music.

"Okay, sorry, but Muse better," Phil smirked.

"That is such a lie! Fall Out Boy's sound is so much cooler," Dan replied.

"Um shut up, I can't sit next to you unless you worship Muse."

"Then see you later, because Fall Out Boy wins."

"Okay let's just accept that we have different music tastes, and the bands are both just as good," Phil compromised.

"Okay okay, you're right."

"But... Muse is better."

"Did you just- You hypocrite!" Dan laughed.


Dan smiled and looked at Phil. He couldn't figure out why, but something felt different about the boy. The hatred that was compacted into Dan's chest had faded. As he studied his bright eyes and messy black hair, he could feel his stomach begin to spin for the hundredth time. Originally, Dan was just happy to have someone look more ridiculous than he did so that the bullies had a different target. But now, as his eyes wandered over this unusual boy that seemed to like him, and want to be friends with him, Dan felt a little happier for the first time in years.

"Dan?" Phil tapped his arm.

"Huh- Yeah?"

"Thank you," he said timidly. When Dan gave him a confused look he added, "For, like, letting me sit with you. I was afraid I wouldn't have someone to talk to."

Guilt washed over Dan as he remembered what really happened. How he almost rejected the boy because he was afraid of being made fun of. He didn't deserve Phil's gratitude, he had just acted on impulse. But as the dark haired boy gave Dan a crooked smile, he couldn't help but grin back.

"Of course, anytime."

"Oo, I love this one," Phil turned up the music.

Me too, Dan thought and let his eyes rest on the boy.


I'm sorry this is such a shit chapter )): I tried I promise. I'm also sorry for not uploading in a while. School n stuff has been just blah. Thank you to those who actually read this mess of a story lol.

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