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Holding Phil's hand felt like touching a soft creme. The connection of their fingers sent cool shivers up Dan's spine and warmth into his stomach. He wondered if their hands could melt together. That way, they couldn't part from each other.

After a while of awkward silence, Phil began soothingly running his thumb over Dan's hand. It gave him a feeling he wasn't used to: calmness. He wished Phil would explore, touching every small crease of his palms and fingers.

Their bus arrived at the school and the squealing wheels awoke Dan from his trance. He hated pulling his hand away from Phil as they got off the bus. When their hands parted, Dan could feel the warmth leaving his body, escaping from his fingertips before disappearing into nothing.

For the first time, the friends walked off the bus together. They probably looked stupid, two nerds in ridiculous outfits strolling side by side. Of course, the other students whispered and stared, but Daniel no longer cared. He knew they would react this way, and the sacrifice was worth it.

"You don't have to walk me to my locker Dan," Phil said. "I don't want you to be late to class."

"Eh, don't worry about it," Dan shrugged. "I like spending time with you."

He watched with satisfaction as Phil's pale face flashed a light pink and a smile tugged at his lips. Seeing him happy sent a hurricane of butterflies in Dan's stomach. They tickled his tummy with delicate but furious wings.

"I'll walk you to class, yeah?" Dan said.

"If it's not too much of a bother." Phil looked at the ground and tugged at his shirt. He seemed to be pulling the fabric away from his stomach.

"Hey," Dan lightly tapped on Phil's nose so he would look at him. He smiled reassuringly. "You're not a bother."

Another grin spread across the black-haired boy's face. The ends of his eyes wrinkled so adorably, Dan was afraid the butterflies may burst out of his stomach.

"Hold onto my sleeve," Dan held out his arm. "Who's your first class?"

"Peterson," Phil shyly took the sleeve of his hoodie. "Dan, won't people stare at us?"

"Who cares? They already have been. It's worth it." Dan pulled him along. "Let's get you to class."

He tugged the boy through the flood of students in the most gentle way possible. Phil was such a delicate human; Dan was afraid that he might hurt him if he wasn't careful. He seemed to have a talent at hurting people without realizing it. Ever since he was a kid, he was unaware of his strength. He was always scolded for harming the other children, even though he couldn't understand what he did wrong. No one taught him what was too much; he had to learn on his own. If Dan wasn't careful, he usually ended up hurting someone he cared about.

As he lead Phil through the crowds of his gawking peers, Dan promised himself that he would make the boy his first priority from now on. No one was to hurt Phil, especially not Dan. He would never forgive himself if Phil was hurt because him. Dan was to protect him at all times, no matter at what cost.

Even if it meant hurting himself in the process.


sorry for the short chapter ahh

i've got a surprise for u guys, it's a good one don't worry

let's just say: i'm going to hell for it

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