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Dan knew exactly why she was calling, It happened pretty often actually.

"Hey Dan," his mom said when he got to the office phone. "Greg and I won't be home today. We're going on a trip over the weekend. I would've told you before but he surprised me!" She giggled, obviously intoxicated.

"Okay," Dan said dully.

"We're going to New York! Isn't that fun?"

"Sounds great."

"Oh, don't be like that. We would've brought you along but Greg forgot to get an extra ticket! Oops!" She giggled again. "You'll be okay though, right? You can make your own food and take care of yourself."

"Yeah, I mean, I have no money but I'll be fine," Dan said sarcastically.

"Tell him to stop fucking complaining, I left snacks in the cupboard, spoiled brat." Dan heard in the background.

"Greg said-"

"Yeah. I know. Well, have fun."

"I love you, Daniel." His mom said.

"Yeah, you too. Bye." Dan hung up.

As he was leaving the office, the lady at the front desk gave him a weird glance. He ignored her and walked out, avoiding the temptation to slam the door behind him.

This happened every couple of months. Usually it's because Greg has been too much of an ass and Dan's mom threatened to dump him, so he had to act fast and spend all their damn money on a vacation. She gets all excited, and drunk, and it keeps their relationship going for the next 2 months.

Of course, Dan was never invited. He couldn't care less, actually. The last thing he wanted was to sleep in the same room as his mom and her boyfriend. He got by with only one meal a day, and it was only for a weekend. He could do without the extra weight anyway.

"What was that about?" Phil asked when Dan returned to gym. He sat down next to the boy on the bleachers as the athletic people played dodgeball.

"My mom," he rolled his eyes. "Her and her jackass boyfriend are going to New York together."

"And they're leaving you home alone?"

"Yup." Dan noticed Phil's concerned expression. "It's fine, though. I can take care of myself. I always have."

Phil squealed and ducked as a ball went flying his way. Dan began to laugh.

"You're such a dork," he said to his friend.

Phil pouted and tried punching Dan's arm. It was adorable, as he wasn't exactly the strongest person.

"Hey, hey!" Dan stopped his fist, giggling. "In a good way, I mean."

The black haired boy smirked. There was a moment of silence as they watched the game.

"Phil, do you want to come over today?"

"W-what?" Phil stuttered.

"To my house. Since my parents won't be home, we can hang out. Listen to music. Do normal teenage things."

Phil opened his mouth like he was lost for words. "You want me, to come to your house?"

"Yes, that's what I said."

"Well, I-I'd love to. What's your address?"

"Just get off the bus with me. I have a phone at home, you can call your parents and say you're studying. I'll walk you home too."

Phil blushed. "R-really? You'd do that?"

"Of course," Dan smiled at his preciousness. "Just warning you though, it's not a palace. Don't judge me for it."

Phil shook his head. "I won't, pinky swear." He help out his pinky.

Dan rolled his eyes but giggled none the less. He locked his pinky with his friend's.

"Pinky swear."


The bus ride back to Dan's house was amazing. He didn't know why, but Phil was being extremely... flirty? He kept giggling and resting his head on Dan's shoulder, or bopping Dan's nose and messing with his hair. It was really unusual to watch the shy boy suddenly pop out of his shell. Not that he minded being flirted with, but there was only so much Dan's heart could take.

Dan's mind was also racing with anxiety. His house was, well, not a castle. It was a one story, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom home with the world's smallest kitchen. He was nervous of what Phil would think when he arrived. He saw Dan get off the bus everyday, but never saw him actually walk into a house. Dan just prayed he wasn't leading himself to embarrassment.

"Dan Dan Daaaan," Phil sang.

"What has gotten into you?" Dan smirked. "You're never like this."

"I dunno, I guess I'm just excited."

"Excited for what? Being alone with me in my house?" He winked.

Phil's eyes widened and his face flashed red.

"N-no I just- Well I-"

"I'm kidding," Dan reassured him. "I'm not a rapist. We'll just listen to music or something. Did you bring your iPod?"

Phil nodded and pulled out the iPod along with earbuds. Suddenly, the bus arrived at Dan's stop, breaks squealing as it halted. Dan took a deep breath as he watched Phil stand up. Eyes trailed after them as they walked down the aisle. He had forgotten to think about what it would look like if they went to the same house together. Shit.

It was too late now, they were heading out the bus.

"Well... this is it," Dan said as the reached the driveway. He tried studying Phil's expression. It was unreadable.

"It's adorable," Phil finally said.


"Yeah, I love it." Phil smiled at Dan. He couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or just being friendly, but either way, Dan was grateful.

"Do you want a snack or anything?" Dan asked as they walked inside. He opened the cupboard and pulled out a bag of crisps.

"I'm good, thanks," Phil replied politely.

"If you say so. Phones over there," he said through a mouthful of crisps, and pointed to the landline.

Phil picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Yeah, hey Mom. It's me, Phil. Yes, I'm okay. I'm at a friend's house studying. Dan. No, not a girl, does Dan sound like a girl's name? Yes. Yes, 9:00 I promise! Well, tell Noah to help. He needs to get out of bed anyway. Alright, I love you too. Bye."

"Everything good?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, I just have to be home but 9:00."

"Not a problem," Dan smiled. There was an awkward moment of silence as Phil's glance stuck to the ground. Dan couldn't help but be struck by the thousandth time of how beautiful he was. His high cheekbones, his dark hair. His bright blue eyes that misted over when in thought. Dan wanted to say something to him, to make the boy feel loved.

"So uh... wanna go to my bedroom?"


Next chapter coming very soon! Hint: bring a Bible and some holy water ((;

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