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The only class Phil had with Dan was gym.

It was the worst.

Not only was Philip terrible at physical education, the gym suits they were required to wear were absolutely ridiculous. His mother couldn't afford the new, updated versions, so he was stuck with a too-small hand-me-down that school provided. To say the least, he looked like a clown.

On the other hand, Dan looked quite good in his gym suit. It gave him an attractive, athletic look. Dan was decent at P.E; He didn't run out of breath easily or sit down in exhaustion. Phil was always watching him, simply because he was jealous. It's not like he enjoyed seeing him do push ups and sit ups and jogging.

Another problem was the other kids in gym. For some reason, they all hated Phil. This was including the kids who weren't even all that popular; they just were happy to be left alone for once. Sometimes Phil would find notes in his gym locker with rude names written on them, or even inappropriate drawings with sharpie on his locker. That took forever to scrub off.

As much as it hurt to be made fun of, it hurt even more when it was in front of Dan. He just looked at Phil with a pitying expression, almost as if he was embarrassed to be friends with him. He didn't blame the brown haired boy--it wasn't his fault that Phil was so easy to pick on. He shouldn't feel required to take care of Phil's problems. It just hurt, a little.

"Dammit," Phil muttered as he tripped over his own feet. He could hear giggles behind him and his face went red. He turned to see if Dan had saw. He had, but quickly looked away.

"Today, we will be playing dodgeball!" His coach boomed with his incredibly loud voice. Everyone but Phil seemed to cheer. Why would anyone think that giving students a chance to pelt each other with balls was a good idea?

As soon as the game began, Phil was hit straight in the gut, knocking the air out of him. His vision darkened as hot tears formed in his eyes. He could hear people snickering around him. When he could finally see again, he noticed Dan holding his head down quietly. Phil was mortified.

"Man, what a fucking pussy."

He sat down on the bleachers alone while the game continued. He tried to pull his fringe over his eyes to hide his tears. He wanted to melt.

"He must be weak as hell."

Phil clenched his fists until his nails dug into the palms of his hands. It helped change his focus from the laughing to his fingers. His chest hurt.

"What a fag. Can't even catch a damn ball."

He wanted to look at Dan for reassurance. He wanted him to look at Phil as if to say "It's okay, I'm here." He wanted him to come sit down and smile at him. But if Dan didn't look back, the pain would be too unbearable. Phil just started at his shoes instead, trying to crawl inside his own thoughts.

When gym was over, Phil ran into the locker room as fast as possible. He wanted to get the hell out before the bullies started filing in. He ran up to his locker, just to find they had already beat him to the chase.




It was all written in permanent marker on his locker. They must have done it before class started.

"Like our art?" Phil heard behind him. He turned to see all the guys in gym staring at him, and not in a friendly way. Phil was lost for words; his chest burned and his legs felt numb.

"Leave him alone."

It was a weak voice, but everyone heard it. Phil looked over to see the brown haired boy.

"The fuck did you say to me, Howell?" The bully said.

"I said leave him. The hell. Alone."

Dan's eyes were full of rage. If he hadn't been defending Phil, he would have been a little terrified of him. He looked at Dan as if to say thank you. Dan nodded.

"I don't know what the fuck you think you're doing, Howell, but I suggest you back off right now and stop defending your pussy boyfriend."

That did it. Dan flew at him, hitting the bully right in the nose. They both fell down, Dan pounding on his face. Everyone was yelling and chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" There was blood on the bully's face. Phil began crying, simply because he was embarrassed and hurt and scared and everything was too loud for him.

Dan eventually was pulled off by the bully's friends. He trashed around and tried to pull himself away. When he looked at Phil, he stopped.

"You'll fucking pay for this!" Then bully yelled and ran off. His friends let go of Dan and followed.

"C'mon Phil," Dan said. He took his arm and ran.


sorry if there are typos i didn't edit much.
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