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"Dan? Dan?" A small voice whispered.

"Mm," Dan groaned. He opened his heavy eyes and blinked away the blurriness. Phil was leaning over him, already dressed.

"I have to go soon. My mum wants me home." His voice was so gentle and so sweet, Dan wanted to capture it in a bottle.

"Okay," he forced himself up. "I'll walk you home."

"Are you sure? I can probably find my way if it's too much of a bother."

"No, I want to." Dan pulled on his clothes and ran his fingers through his messy hair. The curly mushroom on his head was far beyond fixation at this point.

They stepped out of the house and into the dark, humid night. Weak street lights lead the way as the two boys walked along in silence. Dan had slid his hands into the pocket of his hoodie with his glance brushing the ground. Every so often he would peak at Phil, who's eyes were wandering over the night sky.

"It reminds me of you," Phil said.


"The night sky. It reminds me of you." He paused to look at Dan with glassy eyes. Soft, yellow light bounced off his cheekbones delicately. "I watch the sun go down every night now because I think of you when it's night time."

Dan could feel his heart beating rapidly.

"Why's that?" Dan asked.

"I don't know." Phil paused to search above him again. "I think it's because it represents you so well. It's dark, but it's beautiful. It has little spots of bright light and a sort of wonderful mysteriousness." He looked back at Daniel. "Like you."

Dan forced his face calm, but his chest was preparing to explode. He couldn't help but get lost in the eyes of the black haired boy. They are so deep, like a vast ocean, full of mysterious wonders. Dan wanted to dive in and drown.

"Phil," Dan took a deep breath. "Would... would you mind if I kissed you?"

He expected rejection. He expected Phil to giggle and pull away and tell him to shut up, leaving Dan in wonderment of what it was like. Yes, they had kissed just hours ago, but that was different. It was rushed and furious and begging. This was slow. Slow like the gentle nod of Phil's head. Slow like the magnetic force pulling them towards each other.

Their lips connected and an overwhelming feeling pushed its way into Dan's body. He half expected cheesy, romantic music to blast in the background. Phil soft hands cupped Dan's face like delicate china. Dan's hands were still awkwardly placed in his hoodie pocket, but he had forgotten to care. When he was with Phil, it was okay to be awkward.

He wanted to be swallowed into one of his hugs and melt into the warmth of his body. He wanted to capture the soft smell of Phil's hair into a perfume or a scented candle. He wanted to continuously feel the ecstasy that was flowing through him until he was sick of it. But he couldn't become sick of Phil, because every time he stepped onto the bus, or into gym class, Dan was stuck by his beauty once again.

They pulled away slowly, but their eyes stayed connected. Dan knew he had o say something to break the silence.

"I think I just realized how fucking gay I am."

Phil giggled, his tongue peeking out of his teeth and his eyes crinkling at the corners. Dan laughed out loud, a sound he wasn't used to hearing come from his own mouth. It felt nice to let his happiness explode like that.

"Yeah, me too," Phil said.

They continued to walk. Dan nervously let his hand out of his hoodie to intertwine it with Phil's. Silence floated in the air like clouds of smoke. Nothing sounded but the shuffle of their shoes against the pavement and Dan's heart pulsating in his ears.

"Here it is," Phil said as they approached the driveway. "I guess um... I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." Dan smiled.

"Goodnight, Dan."

"Goodnight, Phil."

He watched the boy walk up the drive way and into the front door. As soon as he closed the door, the night seemed to shift. The street lamps seemed to dim and the blackened sky lost its beauty. It was now a normally dull and grey night.

Because when Phil left, all the magic travelled with him.


sorry that took so long! it's been a crazy week.
also that was barely edited so just comment if i fucked something up haha.
thank you for 700 views <33

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