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(let us all appreciate the artwork that is Phil Lester)

Phil spent most of English gazing out the window. The sky was a blinding blue with feathery clouds stretched like paint. Embarrassingly, Phil wished he could walk along the clouds. Yes, science had gotten in the way of his dreams, but it didn't stop him from imagining. In his mind, his feet would brush against the cool collection of cotton, and he could look below at the humans far far away, unable to harm him.

"Lester!" The teacher snapped Phil back to Earth. "Please, at least pretend to care about my lesson for once. We've got a test coming up."

The class giggled as Phil's face grew hot with shame.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry."

As soon as the teacher turned back towards his lesson, a wad of paper hit Phil in the back of the head. He ignored it, hoping it was meant for someone else. Unfortunately, another came soaring his way and swiped his ear. A whisper of giggles erupted behind him.

Phil clenched his fists to focus his mind away from the bullies.

"Hey, pretty boy," a female voice said. "Saw you with Homo Howell earlier, you two a thing?"

Phil's nails dug into his palms.

"Really cute," another chuckled. "Isn't fag love beautiful?"

He could feel white hot pain where his nails pierced his hand. Something lurched in his throat as he attempted to hold back tears.

"Aw, the pussy's about to cry," one guy said. Another paper wad hit Phil's neck.

"What's wrong? Miss being Howell's slut?"

"Shut up!" Phil snapped. Unfortunately, it came or a bit louder than expected. All eyes turned to towards him, including his professor.

The teacher said nothing at first; he simply pulled out a pink slip of paper, wrote something down, and handed it to Phil.

"I'll see you after school tomorrow, for that remark you so desperately needed to make towards me. An hour, bring your school work."

Phil was to terrified of crying to speak up. A series of "ooo's" came from his classmates. Phil hung his head and used every muscle in his body to hold back from sobbing.

He hated this school.


"I won't be on the bus tomorrow afternoon," Phil said while opening his PE locker. They had found a little corner where the other students didn't notice them, unless they looked hard enough. Phil hoped they didn't try to.

"What?" Dan looked up from tying his gym shoes. "Why?"

"I got detention from Peterson."

"Why? How? What happened?" Dan frowned.

Phil looked down at the ground timidly. He didn't want to tell Dan what had happened, in case he tried to start a fight with the kids.

"Phil. What happened?" Dan tapped his arm.

"Nothing, I spoke when I wasn't supposed to. It's fine. It's only an hour, thank god." He attempted a feeble smile.

"Okay..." Dan gave an unconvinced look. "Well, hurry up. We don't have much time."

"Dan? Could you uh, stand in front of me while I change? I don't like them watching me."

The brown haired boy smiled, revealing his crater dimple. "Yeah, of course I will."

Phil backed into the corner from privacy while Dan placed himself in front of him. Phil felt himself fall into a trance as their noses became awkwardly close.

"D-Dan! Facing the other way!" Phil stammered.

"What? Oh, right." The boy laughed nervously and turned away.

"I hate this stupid outfit," Phil grumbled as he zipped up his gym suit. "It's too small and too tight."

Dan turned around and trailed his eyes up and down Phil's figure, making the black haired boy squirm.

"I think it's perfect," he said with a smirk. Phil covered his raspberry red face in embarrassment.

He could feel the tight material pushing up against his tummy pudge. He wrapped his arms around his waist self consciously. God, why couldn't he be fit like the other students?

"Phil," Dan pulled his arms away. "Stop that. You're perfect, okay?" He flashed another dimple smile, making Phil's heart melt.


"Hey, Howell!" The gym teacher boomed from outside the locker room. "You've got a call at the office. It's your mom."



May have another chapter done by today. I'm sick, so I have all the time in the world.

Loving Someone//PhanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant