Part 1

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Lolita didn't sleep that night. She just waited, staring out the window, just waiting for Rosalyn to pull up in that stolen white painted van. Then, it happened. She looked out the window, and saw her pull up in the driveway. Rosalyn got out and ran to the side of the house, right under the bedroom window.

Lolita nodded. She took a yellow tank top in the closet, latched it onto the cracked wood of her window, and pulled on it, so that it ripped and got stuck on the wood. She threw the tank top down to Rosalyn.

"Alright, come on!" She whisper-shouted up to her.

"Let me put the note up." Lolita whisper-shouted back.

Lolita grabbed the note she had written before, and then grabbed a role of scotch tape she had hidden. She was going to tape the note onto her bedroom door, but she was unprepared for what she saw next.

Lolita taped the note on the door, but was shocked to see that once rogue element she was NOT expecting. Her sister, Hannah. She was coming home from night school, and had just gone to the bathroom.

They instantly made eye contact, and the first thing that both of them noticed is that neither of them were in their pajamas yet.

"Hey Cassie." She said. She looked Lolita up and down, judging her fashion style again. "Why are you fully dressed? It's the middle of the night."

"Why are you fully dressed? Night school ends at 10:00. It's midnight. You should be in bed by now." She told her.

"Derek took me out. I'm just getting home now-" Then she noticed the note Lolita was putting up on the door.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Nothing." She hid it behind her back.

"Give it to me!" She shouted, reaching for it. Lolita raised her arm, moving it away from her.

"Shut up, Mom's going to wake up!" She whisper-shouted. Hannah went silent, but then leaned forward. Lolita realized too late that she was reading the note she was holding above her head.

"You're sneaking out to go to a party?!" She yelled.

Lolita slapped a hand over her sister's mouth. She grabbed her hand and pulled her into her room, but that was a big mistake. She saw the duffel bag, filled with clothes, money, and food.

"What's that?" She pointed to the bag. Lolita's eyes went wide, and Hannah was able to piece it together instantly. "Oh my god! You're running away!"

Lolita wanted to lie about it, but then Rosalyn piped up. She had climbed up the trellis, and looked through the bedroom window, only to see Hannah looking directly at her.

"Rosalyn's helping you?!" She pointed at Rosalyn, who quickly climbed down. Hannah poked her head out the window to get a good look at Rosalyn, but both of them were shocked when Lolita used that moment to forcefully push Hannah out the window.

Hannah's head hit the bottom of the trellis, knocking her unconscious. "What have you done?!" Rosalyn yelled. "Do you know what a big setback this is?"

Lolita paused, thinking. Not her strong suit, Rosalyn was the real thinker. Lolita lived on impulse, but this was a case that needed an impulsive mind. "It's not a setback. We'll just bring her along." She whisper-shouted.

"Are you insane?! Then it will be kidnapping!" Rosalyn had given up on the whispering, now beginning to actually shout.

"They'll just help our story. You are serious about doing this, right?" She asked her. Rosalyn paused, letting it sink in. Just how much did she want to get away from her stupid life? Was it worth this? She met Lolita's eyes at the window and nodded.

"Okay. Then let's go."

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