Part 4

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Mrs. Anderson, an older teacher holding onto her youth as best she could, at age 48, was not cut out for this. She gritted her teeth together, as she attempted to ignore the shouting of 27 drunk teenagers.

She and the other teachers had tried their best to keep the kids, especially the boys, away from any and all alcohol. They did their absolute best in order to make sure there was no alcohol at the camp they were sending them to for the week, but they didn't realize a few very important things.

1. They could not keep a bunch of 16 to 17 year olds from making out in any place they could.

2. The kids had brought their own alcohol.

3. They were smart enough to fool the camp staff, the teachers, and the parent chaperones.

The teachers had hoped that by sending the class to camp for a week, the kids might learn something, and have fun at the same time. Instead, they got so slobbering drunk that they were sent home after 3 days.

Well, all except for a select few. Four kids, Abbey Moone, Jean Rhoads, Clark Clark, (because his parents hated him apparently,) and Daisy Monroe. Abbey and Jean were teachers pets, so they wouldn't do anything wrong. Clark Clark had been bullied for years, and so was able to victimize himself, and Daisy... well, he wasn't much of a party guy.

That's right. Daisy Monroe... a 16 year old boy. Yes, he was boy with the name Daisy. His parents had wanted to make a traditional girl's name into a boy's name. He claimed that he had a sister named James, but they had figured out it was a lie long ago. The teachers humored him by calling him Days, or even Day, while his few friends referred to him a Day-Z, much to his annoyance.

Days was a loner. He didn't talk much, he didn't have many friends, heck, he didn't even have any bullies. And most importantly, he never had a girlfriend in his life.

The bus came to a sudden stop. Mrs. Anderson looked up, spotting a motel beside them.

"Where are we?" Asked one boy.

"What happened?" Asked another.

Straightening her blouse, Mrs. Anderson went up to the driver. "What is going on here?"

"I saw my wife..." He slurred.

"You haven't..."

"Listen, Lady. I'm slobbering drunk, and I'm surprised that I could drive for this long, without anyone finding out. I'm going home now, goodbye." Then he fainted. They were stuck in the middle of nowhere, no service, and the driver was drunk. Very drunk. He must have gotten it from one of the kids. She composed herself and turned to the students.

"Everyone, choose a partner. We're going to stay there for the night."

Road Runners!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt