Part 9

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Rosalyn's mother was in tears. Lolita's parents paced back and forth, answering questions about their daughters. When they found that their children were missing, they called the police. The officer, a 35 year old man, Officer Joshua Brown, had just completed his full training. This was is first solo case.

"Mr. Parks, is there any reason why someone would want to hurt your daughters?" The officer asked. 

"No, that's what worries me! Hannah was such a lovely girl- she didn't have any enemies!" Mr. Parks shouted, consoling his wife. 

"And what about Cassie?" The officer made a note of Hannah not having enemies. 


"You- your other daughter?" He said. 

"Oh, her. I don't know if she had any enemies. She was... let's say closed off. I almost forget she exists, sometimes." He said. 

"Do you think she might have?" 

"Maybe.... she was the rebellious type. She only ever dressed in black, and her friend Rosalyn called her Lolita." 

"Ah! About Rosalyn-" 

Before he could even finish his sentence, Rosalyn's mother's crying became louder. 

"Mrs. Ike, please let me ask you about your daughter." Ms. Ike wiped a tear from her eye, coming to attention. "It's Miss, actually, but I'm not married to it, if you know what I mean." She winked at Officer Brown. 

Priorities, woman. Your child is missing. The officer rolled his eyes. "Well, Miss Ike, did Rosalyn have any enemies?" 

"I don't think so. She didn't have many friends, except for Lolita." 

"Who's Lolita?" Asked Lolita's mother. 

"You-your daughter." Miss Ike raised an eyebrow. 

"You mean Hannah?" Mr. Parks asked. 

"N-no, I mean your other daughter? Cassie, I believe her legal name is." 

"Ah, yes. Cassie." He said. "Hope she comes home, too." 

Officer Brown closed his notebook. "Well, I can only assume that Lolita- or Cassie, is the center of this incident. Not only is missing, but her sister and best friend as well." 

"Why would anyone want to hurt Cassie?" Asked Mrs. Parks. 

"I was hoping you could tell me that." 

"We can't. Because Cassie didn't have any enemies. She didn't even have any friends. She wouldn't have any connections to anyone, so why bother abducting her?" Mr. Parks took his wife's hands. "Trust us. This is about Hannah. Everyone loves her. She has hundreds of friends. Someone may have been jealous. There is no motive to kidnap Cassie, but there is a motive to take Hannah." 

Officer Brown couldn't help but feel pity. Not for the families, though. They did care about their children, but not enough. He pitied Lolita. She didn't have any friends, enemies, and her family only seemed to care about Hannah. That's when it hit him. 

"Mr. Parks, is it possible that your daughter ran away?" 

The room went silent. "Mr. Parks?" Officer Brown asked.

"That does seem like something Cassie would do. But- hear me out- why would Hannah be with them? She would never leave us." Mrs. Parks said through sobs. 

Officer Brown thought. "Thank you for this information. I promise, we will bring back all of your daughters." As soon as he was out of the house, he sighed. Those girls had run away. Seeing their families, he knew it. But in the meantime, he was tracking down a highway mugger, and had to get to work. 

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