Part 15

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"Damm." Lolita huffed. "Another cop, guys." She leaned closer towards Rosalyn, subtly pointing to the cop sitting a few rows down. His name was Kevin Stephens, still in training. Not like Officer Brown, who had at least a little bit of experience, and had technically finished it. He was drinking a tea with too much milk, and a cookie. He didn't like stereotypes, so he did something slightly off, just to toy with people. 

It was just barley sunrise, and the "team" as they had started to call themselves, was at a tiny cafe at a motel where they had just spent the night. Days, Hannah, and Jake were waiting together at a table while Lolita and Rosalyn waited for their orders. When Rosalyn turned around, the officer caught sight of her. 

"I think he saw me." She whispered. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." 

Officer Stephens recognized her as one of the missing kids from the area. He stood up and followed her into the back hallway where the bathrooms were. Before she could enter, though, the officer grabbed Rosalyn's arm and pulled her back. 

"Hey!" She shouted with a grunt. 

"What's your name?" He asked. 

"R-Ro-Ra-Re-" She ran through possibilities, until she finally settled on an alias. "Cora." *Rimshot*

"Are you sure?" Officer Stephens pulled up a photo on his phone, showing a missing poster with Rosalyn's face. "Because this looks a lot like you." 

Rosalyn bit her lip. She wasn't going to crack. Not just yet. "Coincidence." She said. 

Officer Stephens leaned in. Not threateningly, but still forcefully. He was calm, colected, trying to be comforting to the possible kidnapping victim. "I know that you're Rosalyn Ike. You're even wearing the same clothes. Miss, is there some reason why you can't tell me the truth?" 

Rosalyn looked around for help. She was literally backed into a corner. She looked out the hallway into the dining room, hoping to find Lolita to bail her out. Instead, she saw Jake. And Jake saw her. 

From a distance, it looked like the officer was harassing her. Though that wasn't the case, Rosalyn knew; that's what he thought was happening. She had very few choices, so she played it up. She tried to push back on his chest. "Get off of me!" She shrieked. 

That triggered Jake to stand up to defend his obvious crush. He rushed forward, threw the officer to the ground, and grabbed Rosalyn's hand. They ran out together, jumping into the car. Noticing that their friends were running away, Hannah, Days, and Lolita, (who was quite angry about missing out on her food,) ran out after them. Jake was in the front seat this time, and as he started the engine, Lolita barley had enough time to slide in next to Days. They sped off in a puff of smoke, toppling over each other as if they were on a roller coaster. 

Meanwhile, inside the cafe, Officer Stephens was standing up. He grabbed his walkie-talkie. "All units, respond." He said, panting. "Rosalyn Ike has been spotted. She was with a mugger known as Jake Reding. He is assumed to be the kidnapper. He is presumed dangerous, and has at least three hostages, at most four." He finally caught his breath as another voice came up on the walkie-talkie. 

"This is Officer Brown. I am in pursuit." 

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