Part 16

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The car skidded into a sharp turn. "I think we lost them!" Lolita screamed, hanging onto Days and Hannah for dear life. Jake slammed on the brakes, trying to give themselves a break. Before they even had five seconds, though, a white car was pulling up beside them from the opposite direction. Rosalyn leaned in over Jake's shoulder. It was a police car.

"It's a cop!" She said. 

"We don't have time to run away." Lolita said. "He's seen us." 

"Not all of us." Hannah said. "I'm behind Rosalyn's seat, so I don't think he saw me." 

Days raised his arm, alerting them to his position on the floor of the car. He had fallen over on the ride. "Or me." He groaned. 

The police car stopped. The officer, in full uniform opened the door, about to step out. "Alright, we might be able to make this work." Lolita pulled down the back seats, revealing the trunk of the car. She pointed to it. "We can hide in here." Days nodded, and laid down in the trunk first.

"There is not enough room for all of us." Days said. He tried to reorganize himself to make more space, but he just couldn't. "It'll fit one more person at the most." 

The cop was getting closer. Rosalyn tucked herself into the corner of the floor of the car, covering herself with the seats. Jake let both chairs lean back so as to cover her better. As the cop got closer, Lolita shoved Hannah into the trunk with Days. She crashed into him with an alarming, "Ow!" and Lolita slammed the seats closed, leaving them in pitch darkness. In the nick of time, Lolita practically fell on top of Rosalyn, hiding herself just in time before the police officer came to the window. 

"Sir, are you aware you were speeding?" He asked. Jake leaned in at him, making sure he didn't know who he was.

"Who are you?" He asked innocently. 

"Officer George Jameson. And you?" 

"Ugh, I'm uh... uh, F....redrick." He finally spat out. 

"Right...." The officer ignored the awkwardness, dismissing it as the man being a little drunk. "Well, I am supposed to be off-duty, so I'll give you a warning, but just this once, okay?" 

Before Jake could even respond, another police car pulled up. Out of the car stepped Officer Brown. "Jameson! That's Jake Reding! He's the prime suspect in a kidnapping case!" He shouted, pointing to Jake in the front seat. Officer Brown ran up to the car while Jameson hauled Jake out of the car. 

Jake found himself pressed to the side of a police car as his hands were cuffed behind his back. Once they were secure, Officer Brown lifted Jake's head up by the front of his bangs. Jake winced in pain. "Yeah, that's him. Alright, Reding." He hauled him up again. "Where are the kids?" 

Suddenly, there was a yelp from the back of the car. In the trunk. Rosalyn and Lolita gasped. The officers heard both noises. Officer Brown pulled out his gun and went to check the trunk, while Jameson went to the driver's side door to pop the trunk. 

Jameson felt his way around the gas pedals, until finally finding the switch for the trunk beside the passenger seat. He didn't even notice Jake inching his way towards the car. When Jameson flicked the switch, he looked into the backseat and saw them. Two girls, laying on top of each other, staring right at him. 

Meanwhile, Officer Brown saw something a million times stranger. There, laying in the trunk, were Hannah Parks and Daisy Monroe... kissing. Lips still connected, their eyes went wide, as they shared a glance at the officer, at each other, then back at the officer. They both pulled back awkwardly. "Um..." Days was about to say something, when he was cut off by Lolita. 

"FLOOR IT!" She screamed. 

Jake, hands still cuffed, jumped into the car and, without bothering to close the driver's side door, slammed the pedal as they took off at lightning speed. The trunk flapped open in the wind, bouncing from the speed of the car, Hannah and Days bouncing around in the opened trunk, hanging on for dear life. Hannah let out a scream. SO did Daisy. They held onto each other tightly, forcing themselves into a corner. Officer Brown's car perused them at a high speed.

Officer Jameson, still in the passenger's seat of the moving car, attempted to reach over and stop Jake. Jake ducked just in time, hitting his head on the wheel. Rosalyn jumped up and hit him over the head with the clip from one of the seat belts they had cut earlier. The officer fell unconscious. 

"What a woman." Jake said, dreamily. 

"Eyes on the road!" She screamed. There was a fork in the road, and Jake was about to run into it. Hands still cuffed, he leaned over and bit into the steering wheel, turning it with his teeth. It bought just enough time for Rosalyn and Lolita to both run forward and grab the wheel. The cop's unconscious body bounced around in the front seat. Lolita was about to shut the driver's side door, when Rosalyn screamed. 

She and Jake were co-driving the car, with Jake on the pedals, and Rosalyn on the wheel. Unfortunately, Rosalyn was afraid of driving. She could barley handle it. She gave a sharp swerve to the left, smashing the open door of the car into a tree. Lolita jumped back, falling onto Jake's lap. The side door had COME OFF. 

They all sat there screaming for a second. Jake had his hands cuffed behind his back as he pressed on the gas pedals with all his might, Rosalyn was failing at trying to steer, and Lolita was laid across Jake's lap, screaming as her frilly dress and tiny legs flailed frantically in the wind, sticking right out the hole that used to be the door. 

They didn't have it as bad as Hannah and Days, though. They were still bouncing around in the opened trunk, and when they saw the car door fly past, they both lost it. Screaming like headless chickens, Hannah freaked out so much that she, with only her bear strength, ripped off part of the bumper. 

"HOLY-" Days couldn't even react as Hannah threw the part she was holding at Officer Brown's car. It didn't fly far enough, but Officer Brown drove over it, puncturing his tires. He inevitably started to slow. Days, having finally reclaimed some of his sanity, had an idea. 

"Hannah?!" He shouted. 

"YES?!" She screamed, unnecessarily loudly. 

"If I die, I still think you're really pretty!" He shouted. 


Days took a deep breath and climbed on top of the trunk. Lying on his stomach, he pulled himself up onto the roof of the car, before letting himself drop. He held onto the canoe rack on the top of the car for all he held dear, dangling in the hole that used to be the door that flew off. Lolita screamed at the sight, kicking at his knees. Days swung himself into the car, knocking over Rosalyn and breaking her grip. Lolita reached up and grabbed the steering wheel. 


Days opened the passenger side door. "Get closer to the ditch!" Rosalyn nodded, and with a scream of pure terror, leaned into the right. The ditch was coming up. Days grabbed Officer Jameson's body, and with one large, panicked push, shoved it out, as it went softly tumbling into the ditch. In a few minutes, he would wake up again, with nothing but a headache and a story to tell. 

But that was where HIS story ended. At poker night with the other cops, that's where he would stop telling the story. But when Officer Brown would deal his cards, he would go on to tell what happened next. 

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