Part 8

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Lolita slammed on the brakes, sending Days and Hannah smashing into the back of the front seats. They were sprawled across the ground, tangled up in each other's legs. They groaned. 

"You guys alright?" Rosalyn asked. 

"No." They said in unison. Their voices were cold and rude. 

"Well, we're taking a rest. I need to sleep, and Rosalyn's afraid to drive, so..." Lolita took the keys out the ignition and locked them in the glove compartment. "We're going to rest for a bit." 

"Where are we?" Asked Days. Having been tossed around the back of the van with Hannah like a game of human hot potato, they hadn't seen much in the way of scenery. 

Rosalyn mimed checking a map. "Yep. Says right here. 'Middle Of Nowhere, Texas.'" She gave a soft chuckle. "But in all seriousness, we are in the middle of nowhere. Nothing around for miles."

Hannah climbed over Days, as if he wasn't even there, to look out the window. "Actually, look down the road." She said. They all looked down the road. Hannah was right. There was a gas station, the kind with a convince store.

Rosalyn smiled. "I could grab something for us. Maybe something sweet?" She shrugged. 

Lolita bit her lip. "Alright. Sure." She handed her a 20 dollar bill. "If they by some chance have any hot meals, get that instead." Lolita leaned back in her seat. 

"I'll be right back." Rosalyn got out of the car, closing the door behind her. 

After a few seconds, Lolita was asleep. Days had finally given up on getting himself loose, deciding that he was in no danger. Lolita was just an impulsive teenager, not a criminal. And Rosalyn was actually pretty nice. 

While Lolita slept, Hannah and Days sat in the backseat of the van, sitting toe-to-toe, knees bent. Despite their situation, they tried to make it better by telling jokes and getting to know each other. 

"So, wait, you've never had a girlfriend?" She giggled. 

"No... when you've got a name like Daisy-"

"Yeah, that could be tough." She gave a nervous chuckle. "I mean, I'm the opposite. I kind of hop from guy to guy. Recently, I've been trying out this guy named Derek, but he doesn't speak English, so-" 

"Are you... dating him?" Days asked. 

"Not really." She laughed. 

They kind of wanted to lean in, when Rosalyn opened the door, waking up Lolita and shocking the two back. "They had pizza!" She grinned. 

"What kind?" Asked Days. 

"I got cheese. Thought it was the safe choice." She shrugged. She held it out to the two in the back. "Take some!" She said. 

Hannah and Days shared a glance, before picking up the slices with their teeth and attempting to eat it without using their hands. Hannah left a huge mess on her face, while Days started to more lick the pizza, like a cat drinking out of a saucer.

And it was there, in the back of a stolen white van, with two tied-up teenagers trying to eat pizza with their faces, that they really started to settle into this odd, but surprisingly comforting situation. 

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