Part 10

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Officer Brown had finally tracked them down. He traced them to a roadside motel. When he had asked to see footage of them on the security cameras, he saw everything. Lolita and Rosalyn had kidnapped Hannah, and now, there was another victim. They were acting on impulse, a dangerous thing for teenagers. 

Switching cases until he found more clues, he followed the trail that the roadside mugger had left. He kept driving, eventually finding a gas station. 

Officer Brown saw a white van next to the pump. It matched the description of the stolen van from the paint company. And then... he saw her. 

Lolita was standing there, in plain view. She caught sight of the police car. Not bothering to do anything, she inserted the 50 dollar bill into the slot and jumped into the car. 

Rosalyn grunted as Lolita flopped over her lap. "Ow!" She yelped. "Lolita-" 

"Police car! He's coming this way! We have to go!" She screamed. She climbed over Rosalyn's lap, doing up her seat belt in the front seat. She was about to floor it, until a man slammed against Hannah's window. He was wearing a black bandanna around his face. And he was holding a gun. Lolita rolled down the window to talk to him. "Dude, we have to go! Go away!" She shouted. 

Days screamed. "He has a gun! Don't piss him off, you lunatic!" 

The man pointed his gun into the van, shouting. "Give me anything you have! Jewelry, money- anything you've got!" 

Lolita screamed, seeing that the car was getting closer. If they didn't get away soon, the cop would catch up with them. "We really have to go!" 

"Give-" He turned around, hearing the sound of the engine. He saw the police car too. Officer Brown stopped the car and jumped out. "Sh*t, he's found me. " Having no other options, he opened the door on Days' side of the van, and jumped in, holding the gun to Lolita's head. 

"Drive, now!" He shouted. 

"Thank you!" Lolita floored it, as they sped off in a puff of dust. But Officer Brown was close behind, sirens ablaze. 

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