Part 16.5

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Lolita shoved Hannah into the trunk of the car, and slammed the seats. Outside the trunk, Hannah and Days heard the car come to a full stop, and footsteps come around. 

"I am so sorry about this." Days mumbled, rearranging his elbow so that it didn't poke into Hannah's chest. 

"Just blame Lolita. It's what I do." She whispered. In the darkness, Days couldn't help but let out a small laugh. 

"You really hate your sister, huh?" He whispered. 

"Why would I- ow,ow,ow." Hannah's sudden "ow-ing" got louder and louder, like and alarm. "My hair, Days! My hair!" Days felt Hannah's hair caught under his arm. 

"Sorry!" He yelped. He reflexively stood up, forgetting the he was in a trunk, and smacked his head on the roof of the trunk. 

"Shh!" Hannah's voice came from the dark.

"Sorry." He whispered. "It's just so cramped in here." 

"Yeah, I know." 

"I'm a little claustrophobic." He said. In the darkness, Hannah's eyes snapped open. Their eyes had started to adjust, and they could now make out each other's figures in the darkness. 

"Oh, uh- I'm so sorry. Here." Hannah held up her hand. "Try and grab it. It's not so dark." 

Focusing on the subtle outline of Hannah's body, Days grabbed her hand. He squeezed tightly. "At least I know that's there." He said. 

"Yeah..." Hannah said. She didn't want to admit that she kind of liked holding Days' hand. She had to say something though. Her mind raced through the possibilities. What's your favorite color?  Have any siblings? How's the weather in the trunk of this car where I'm holding your hand which actually feels-

"I love you." She finally spat out, interrupting her chain of thought. 

"H-Hannah?" Days didn't let go of Hannah's hand, but leaned back a little. "You um..." He trailed off, before looking back at what he thought was her. "I really like you too..." He blushed, and both of them sensed it in the darkness. "I just-" 

Days was cut off by Hannah. She kissed him. Like, REALLY kissed. She was really good at kissing. For a few seconds, they sat there, kissing away, until Hannah got a little too rough. She was about to pull back to take a breath, but instead, accidentally chomped down on Days' lip. 

"Ow!" He gave an oddly girlish, loud yelp. They heard Lolita and Rosalyn gasp. "Oh no, I-" Hannah, not wanting to alert the police to their position, grabbed Days again and pulled him closer. She kissed him again, anything to shut them both up. 

They never expected Officer Brown to break their perfect little darkness. 

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