Austin Mahone || Alexcia

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Hearing you me phone buzz from the beside table it has been going crazy with notifications as you lay in bed. The flu has caused you so much discomfort as pain courses through your body. As you reach towards it you moan and groan in pain. Finally giving up you lay back coughing.

"Damn you flu" you mumble between coughs.

The faint sound of the main door opening downstairs curiosity over takes you. You weren't expecting anyone today as everyone knows you are extremely sick. The faint sound of a knock on your bedroom door grabs your attention. It soon opens to reveal your boyfriend Austin. Your puzzled as to why he is here, you haven't talked to him since you got sick. He walks in caring a bag, he places the bag on the floor before walking over to you bed and sitting on the edge.

"How are you feeling?" he questions.

"Not so good" you answer truthfully.

He smiles lightly at you as he opens his bag handing you a bowl and a spoon, you look at him confused. Opening it up he grabs the bowl from you and the spoon as he feeds you the soup. You smile at his sweetness but curiosity gets the best of you wonder what else is in the bag that he carried with him. Taking your soup back you keep eating as he goes through the bag. He places magizines, movies and everything on your bed. The medicince he brought is placed on the bedside table. You think his gesture is adorable and having him, bring you your favorite things just makes being sick a little better. But then your mind traveled to shouldn't he be recording for his new album.

"Dont you have to be at the studio?" you question.

"Canceled the session for today, i couldnt let me girl be laid up in bed sick with no one to take care of her" simply states smiling at you.

It places in your favorite movie before walking over to you taking the bowl from your hands. He places it on your bedside table before getting in the bed beside you. You pulls you closer to him as you both lay their watching your favorite movie.

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