Cameron Dallas || Emily

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Your brother has been gone for to long on the MAGCON Tour, he calls everyday telling mom how much fun it is and all the amazing people he has met. I always rolled my eyes knowing they are probably nerds just like him who have nothing better to do in life. Today was the day your brother was meant to come home, he told mom he was bringing a friend. You kept pondering the idea of what this friend looks like; he probably has classes and is a complete nerd. You laugh to yourself as your mom pulls up at the airport. You messed around on your phone as your mom got out and greeted your brother. You glance over to where she was and then you spotted him. He was perfect, so good looking. You didn't know who he was but you had to know his name. Then you spotted Matt he was standing right beside him. Is the person that your brother told your mom about? Is this is friend? You continue to stare at him, his smile is perfect. He glances at you and you look away, not wanting to embarrass yourself. You act like you aren't paying attention when him and your brother get in the car.

"Emily, this is Cameron. Cameron this is my sister Emily" you turn around to look at Matt as he introduces you.

"Hey, nice to meet you" Cameron states smiling at you.

"Same" you say lightly smiling back at him before turning around in your seat.


Cameron has been staying at your house for a week now. It has been the best week, but you couldn't help the feelings you have grown for him. He makes little jokes with you and everything, you enjoy his company so much but you don't know if he feels the same way. You take your normal seat on the couch beside him and your brother as they watch something that really doesn't interest you at the moment. You notice Cameron sitting a little closer then usual but you enjoyed it. He placed his arm over you shoulders and leaned closer to you.

"Emily can I talk to you, in private?" he asked whispering in your ear.

You look over at him nodding. He stands up and you follow his lead as he heads front door. He opens it for you, stepping out in the porch your curious as to what he has to talk to you about. You stand there shivering a little, the temperature has dropped a lot from earlier.

"Em, I know it's cold so I'm just going to get this out now."

You watch as he steps closer to you. Your breathing goes up a notch as his cold hand touches your face. You watch closely as he moves in closer to you. As his lips brush against yours, your body ignites in warmth and deserve. He kisses you, slow and with so much passion. You guys break apart of someone knocking on the window. You look over to see Matt. He raises the window as he tells you guys to get a room. You both busy into laughter as you lay your head on his shoulder as he holds you close to him.

"I'm going to take you to dinner tomorrow." is the only thing he says before grabbing your hand and leading you back inside.


The night went back as you spent most of it laying in your bed thinking of the amazing kiss you shared with Cameron. Him deciding on taking you to dinner tomorrow made you smile even more. You closed your eyes soon let sleep take over.

The morning and evening went by as fast as you and Cameron talked here and there but he dint mention much about the dinner date but enough to let you know to be ready by 6. You watched the minutes tick by before you decided to finally get ready. Heading to your room you grab your favorite dress and soon get ready. You curl hair and add a little make up. Slipping on your flats you head downstairs to spot him nicely dressed sitting on the couch talking with Matt.

"You look beautiful" Cameron compliments you as you reach the bottom of the stairs.

You smile blushing at his compliment. Matt gives the speech as a father would before he pushes you both out of the door. After getting pushed out Cameron grabs your hand as you guys walk to where ever this dinner is taking place. You get nervous not knowing what to say or even do. This being your first actual date you can't help but think you will mess it up some how.

Finally reaching the little restaurant you are amazed in it's beauty. You wonder why you have never seen it before. Entering the very small cozy feeling building the smell of Italian food overwhelms you. You smell thinking of all the best pastas. The lady at the desk asks name and Cameron speaks up talking swiftly telling her things she needs to know.

"Table right this way." the women says gesturing to the little table by the window.

You guys walk over, being the gentleman he is he pulls out your chair. Sitting down you feel him kiss your cheek before he takes the seat directly in front of you. You can't help but blush at his action. He smiles at you, the small talk at the table soon fades as a waitress comes up taking your orders. As you are about to say what you would like Cameron orders for you, you are surprised as to how he knows your favorite pasta.

"I asked Matt" he says with a chuckle reading your current thought.

You smile, the small talk doesn't last long as the silence takes over. You feel awkward and you know it's your fault for not saying anything.

"You look very beautiful Emily."

"You look very handsome Cameron" you reply back earning a smile.

Before anything else is said your food is placed in the table. Looking down at your favorite pasta you couldn't help but dig in. Eating up everything you possibly can of the amazing food. Small talk durning the meal was the fun part as to you both making slurping noises and making jokes. He pulls out your chair, standing up he grabs your hand in his as he walks to pay for the meal.

You insist on playing at least half but he denies your offer. You roll your eyes playfully but resist arguing about it. You walk out of the small restaurant and head back the way you guys came. As you are about to walk onto your street he stops in front of you.

"Emily tonight was fun and it was everything I hoped it to be." He says looking at you. "I have been wanting to ask you this question but I wanted to take you out first."

You wait for him to ask this question he keeps rambling about.

"What's the question?" you ask.

"Oh yeah that" he says awkwardly laughing. "Would you be my girlfriend? I know we haven't know each other that long but-"

"Yes" you say cutting him off.

"Yes?" he questions.

"Yes" you say again.

His smile grows as he steps closer to you. He kisses you before pulling away and placing his arm around you as you guys head back to the house.

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