Matthew Espinosa || Autumn

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You have dreaded this day since you saw them together. Maybe you were seeing things but as you blinked your eyes a couple times you knew you weren't seeing things. So this was how it's going to happen. Ending it all after just this, after everything you guys have been through. The tears, fights, just everything felt so right but maybe it was so wrong. The image of him holding her as he laughed. That was the way he held you, just so close to him as he was afraid you would leave his side.

You walked to the park where you knew him and his friends hung out every Friday. Taking a deep breath you head towards the area they usually are as you enter the park. There she was standing beside him as his arm is placed over her shoulder. His eyes land on you as you proceed to head towards him. He removes his arm from her shoulder. He soon heads your way as he mutters something to his friends.

"Autumn what are you doing here" he questions.

"Coming to talk to you" you speak up.

You planned everything you were going to say to him and he can't stop you now.

"Can we talk about this later, please" he pleads.

"No, Matt we are talking now."

He eyes you confused then he turns to look back at his friends. You grip his jaw bringing his attention back to you.

"Why?" you simply ask hoping for some answers.

"Why what?"

"Why cheat?" you watch as he soon goes speechless.

"Autumn listen-"

"No Matt you listen, I might not be as pretty as her or she might make you happier then I did but one thing she will never do. She will never love you as much as I do. Have fun with her Matt enjoy her company because we your done with her I wouldn't be here waiting for you."

With those last words you walk away feeling proud at your words and confidence but yet still heart broken at his you just ended what you spent years to get where it was. What hurt the most is that he didn't even try to fight.

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