Nash Grier || Lynicia

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It was the time of year again, when couples got overly sappy. Making sure the world knew how much they loved their significant other. It truthfully made me sick. I swore that when I got in a relationship that I wouldn't just make the person I'm with feel loved on just one day of the year. But make them feel that way every day. I knew my now girlfriend Lynicia expected something fancy and romantic, but I had nothing planned and wasn't really wanting to plan anything. I made sure to be sappy more and more before the month of 'love" arrived. In hopes that she wouldn't expect so much or hopefully anything at all.

I texted her telling her to come over later, I rather spend the day with her doing nothing than doing something. Cuddling and watching her favorite show; even though I hate it more than anything, sounds like a perfect kind of night. But My hopes were crushed as she texted me back:

Babe – I know you have something so sweet planned, you are wonderful. I can't wait.

Shit, she was expecting something. I blame every women's high expectations of Valentine's Day. If they didn't expect high fancy things than when the guy or girl whatever your interests is could surprise you with something so sweet and heartwarming. But it is harder than hell to plan something when the person has high expectations. I hated this, I was out of ideas I was not sure what she wanted, I didn't even have an idea of what to do. So, I turned to the one person that had all the answers, my good friend Google.

I pondered the idea of a romantic dinner, but I knew there would be no restaurant with an empty table. Especially any that would take her breath away. I had a feeling by the end of the day I was going to be single. I decided to do what I wanted to do but try and make it more romantic. So, I decided to dress fancy, fancy meaning a nice button up and some clean jeans. I headed to the nearest store and bought chocolate and some cheap ass flowers that they had left. Rushing back home I called the pizza guy asking if they made their pizzas in heart shaped. It took me calling 7 pizza places before I found one. Lynicia better be damn happy with all this effort I am putting in.

I texted her letting her know to head over in about an hour. If I was going to go down I was going to go down with guns blazing. I got everything ready, I turned on her favorite show. Had the heart shaped pizza sitting on the table with her favorite drinks. I lite a few candles to give it a romantic type feel. As there was a knock at the door I knew that this was the final deciding moment.

"Hey," she said as I opened the door. She was dressed in this wonderful, tight fitting red dress. Damn.

"Hey, come in." I moved aside letting her walking in.

I took a deep breath as I closed the door I kept my back to her. Not wanting to see the look of disappointment on her face.

"Nash- "

"Lynicia before you say anything please let me say something. I hate Valentine's Day, I hate it more than anything because I rather make you feel special all year around than just on one day a year. So, I didn't have anything planned. I mean I had planned for us to just cuddle and watch your favorite show. The one I hate. So, when you texted me saying you knew I had something special planned. But I didn't so I went out and bought you flowers, I know they look half dead but that is all they had. And I – "

Her lips were on mine, I guess she was done hearing what I had to say. I do love the way she decides to shut me up.

"Nash this is better than some stupid, expensive dinner date."

"Really?" I question.

"Yes, I love you Nash Grier."

"I love you too".

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