Aaron Carpenter || Autumn

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There he was, you were about five feet away from him. You could hear him laugh. Oh that laugh it was something that kept you happy every hour of everyday. His smile seemed to grow as he continued talking. You couldn't help but stare he was just breath taking. You notice him glance towards you. His smile grew as his eyes landed on you. You continued to watch as he started walking away from his friends. As he made his way to you he grabbed your face his hands. His lips only inches from yours.


You jolt awake at the sound if someone screaming your name. You glance to see your English teacher starring at you. The whole class begins to laugh, you feel the heat travel to your cheeks as you see Aaron looking at you with a little smile. Instead of yelling at you again you teacher turns his attention back to the assignment he was discussing. Thankfully for you the bell rang. You hurried out of the classroom to avoid a discussion of how you need to pay attention. Finally making it out of the classroom you wait on your best friend.

"Hey, don't tell me where you dreaming of him again?" she asks raising an eye brow at you.

You nod, seeing as this has happened many times before. "How far did the dream go this time?" she questions.

"He was about to kiss me" you sigh knowing it would only happen in a dream anyways.

"Dang, close huh?" she says with a giggle.

"Yep, to close" you say beginning to laugh.

The conversation soon fades as you feel relief for it. You both go different ways, heading to your next class where he was also placed directly near you. You hope and pray you don't fall asleep. As you walk in you see Aaron placed beside his girlfriend. Your heart sinks, you see his smile, and hear his laugh. Taking your seat you look onto them. Wishing no yet praying it could be you. It could be you he calls everyday, the one he holds at night. You just want to be the one he loves. But as you continue to look at him you know nothing like that will happen and if it did it was only a dream.

It will always be just a dream.

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