Decision, Decision

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^^^Larry's Gf

3 weeks later

(Asia's POV)

I have been in school for 3 weeks now and everything has been great.

First, my dad is staying with my mother and them, so I don't have to worry about them bullying me. My mom been trying to act like she been caring for me, but my dad is not falling for her little act.

He knows what she been doing to me and he said he would never get back together with her after how she been treating me.

He forgave Trey after listening to why he did what he did.

Second, I met Larry's girlfriend, Amber for the first time when we went to his house to work on our Music and French project.

She's really pretty with her long, brown hair, pretty green eyes and tan skin. She's also French and was born and raised in Paris.

When I met her, she gave me a dirty look and looked me up and down. I knew she was thinking about why was Larry hanging out with a girl like me. I already know Larry would NEVER like a girl like me when he already have a beautiful girl who have style.

I can tell Laurent don't like her either, he even told me that she only dating him because of his money. She don't love him like he think and Larry wouldn't believe him even if he told him.

Laurent have been telling me to tell Larry since he think he will believe me more than him. I know Larry never would believe me because I can tell he loves Amber too much and he's whipped.

I have been thinking about should I tell Larry or not. It's really hard because what if he don't believe me. Then what would happen. I'm still thinking about it now, so I guess I will have to wait and see.

Anyway, today I'm going back to Larry house so we can finish working on our project.

All we doing today is finishing the lyrics for the song and then we will started working on the instrumental.

I walked up the stairs to their house and rang the doorbell.

The door open reveal Amber in a long shirt that looks like Larry's and some booty shorts.

"Ugh, what are you doing here?" She said with a dirty look.

"I'm here to work on the project with Larry. Is he here?" I said while looking down.

"Yeah, but listen to me Larry will never like a girl like you, so don't even try anything with him or I will hurt like you never been hurt before. You nothing to him, but a fat, nerdy, ugly, and homeless girl. I will always be his #1 even though I'm only dating him cause of his money. Your family already mess up and your mother will never love you and your father just feel bad for you. But, you will never be nothing, but just his partner to finish this stupid project and that's it." She said pushing me back from the door.

"Hey Amber, who's at the do-" Larry started to say, but then he saw me.

"Oh, just Asia." Amber said cutting him off.

"Hey Asia, what are you doing here?" Larry said coming up to the door.

"I was just going to ask you something, but never mind I will ask you later." I said walking back down the porch with tears in my eyes and rode my skateboard to the park.

(Larry's POV)

I knew Asia was lying because after she left I saw tears in her eyes. I think Amber probably said something to her that probably made her upset.

"What you said to her?" I ask Amber.

"Nothing babe. What make you think I would say something to poor Asia." She said with an innocent look.

"Never mind, I'm going to go look for her." I said grabbing my keys to my one of my car.

"No babe, she probably done now. Stay with me." She said rubbing my arms sexily.

"Look Amber, I made a promise to her dad and I told myself and him I'm going to keep it no matter what you say about it. I will be right back I promise." I said in a rush and walked out the door to my black and blue Bugatti Veyron.

(Larry's Car)


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I rode down the road where Asia had ran off on.

I stop my car in the park entrance to look around there to see if I see her.

I got out and locked my door and walked on the sidewalk, while looking around to see if I see my curly, brown haired girl.

Wait!! Did I just called Asia my girl when I already have a gf.

These pass few weeks since I been hanging out with Asia. I have been feeling some type of way.

Like, we she touch my shoulder the other day, I felt sparkling. Some hint I never feel when I'm with Amber, but I just ignored it thinking it would go away.

I continued to walk through the park until I found Asia sitting on the bench not far from me with her head down.

I continued to walk through the park until I found Asia sitting on the bench not far from me with her head down

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(That how she was sitting)

I walk to the bench and sat down right beside her.

She picked her head up only to put it back down when she saw it was me who had sat beside her.

"What's wrong Asia?" I said lifting her head up.

(Asia's POV)

"What's wrong Asia?" He said lifting my head up.

As soon as I left his house, I ran all the way to the park just to think about what Laurent said about tell Larry about Amber and how she don't love him.

I knew that today I had to tell Larry about how amber been treating me, Tina and Laurent. Even if he don't believe me, I just have to get this off my chest.

"Larry, I need to tell you something." I said.

(A/N: Here a new update. How are you guys liking the story so far. Comment down below.)

Who do you ship name sound the best?

#Asiarry or #Asilarry

#Taurent or #Tinaurent

Sorry, I'm not good with ship name, but if you have any suggest, let me know.

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