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R.I.P. You will be missed by many. I wish I could have gotten to meet you, so I can tell you how much of an impact you made on my life. You have helped me through so many stages of my life that nobody could have help me with. You have made me think about the positive instead of the negative things and I appreciate all the hard work and dedication that you put in your music.

I know everyone thinks different about you and your music, but if people would just take the time out of their lives and just listen to one of your song and get an understanding of it; they will realize what everyone is talking about. They will understand why everyone loves you and support you for everything you do from the kindness of your heart. You don't have to do the things that you do for others, but you still do it and everyone looks up to you for what you done.

I know one thing is I hope they find this heartless ass person that cause this to happen and I hope that person rotten in hell or in the fucking jail cell. This is something no one should have to EVER go through. Hearing something like this can change everything, but I know it should bring everyone close together. If you're fans of XxxTentacion, we should all stick together. We shouldn't argue or get into it with each other. We should all be family and stay strong cause we know X would want us too. We know he would want us to be that big family that we was when he with on this earth with us. He would want us to continue living our lives and working our harder to achieve that goal you wanting achieve.

Rest In Peace ❤️🙏🏽 and you will still be known as the legend you are.....

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