Part One ~ Chapter Six

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“Stop the hate, spread the love.”



Chapter Six

I woke up at five in the morning to do my daily meditation on the second week of school. Well, as daily as two days would ever be when you wanted to be a hippie. I felt as if the morning sunshine cleared my mind and sent me into a world of peace, escaping everyone else here from the world of Hamilton Academy. After people started to get up, the place would start to get noisy and kids would start to fight, initially defeating my purpose of being out here in the first place.

            “What are you doing?”

            My eyes snapped open to meet Kathryn’s face, directly in front of mind. “Your hateful aura is ruining my exuberance,” I commented in a peaceful voice. I closed my eyes again before murmuring, “Now if you don’t mind, I would like to be alone.”

            I caught her sighing something like “hopeless,” but I tried to block the outside world from my mind. Nope, wasn’t going to let anybody get to me today. My new goal was to let the world go ‘round, spread the love.

            “Ohmmmmmmmm,” I chanted. “Ohhhmmmmmmm.”

            “Will you shut the fuck up?!” Nancy screamed to me from in the cabin. Ah, yes, the angry spirits of the morning has awakened.

            I reluctantly got up to go inside and get ready. But if everyone thought they had heard the end of my meditation rituals, oh they were wrong. This was a habit to continue for the rest of my life. I was sure of it. Going inside, I picked out a tye-dye shirt of mine along with my array of peace-necklaces I had gotten for my tenth birthday once. Reviewing my figure over in the mirror, I realized there was something missing. Hmm…. What could it be?

            “Here,” Julia rolled her eyes as she handed me my Ozzy Osbourne like glasses.

            “Thanks!” Those were just what I needed! Okay, now I got the total zen/hippie look thing going! Yesterday I had broken my peacefulness at breakfast by yelling at Johnny (I know, even on the first day of being zen I failed miserably) and it had gone downhill from there, but today I was determined to get it right.

            When walking into class, I went straight down to my seat and sat criss-cross position, starting up my meditating until Mr. Ehway got there. I could hear snippets of conversation going on around me.

            “-But that’s not-”

            “-Allowed to do-“

            “-Very hurtful-“

            “-I swear if he does anything to-”

            “Guys, guys,” I shook my head without opening my eyes. “Spread the love, stop the hate! Let us all relax together, you feeling my vibe?”

            Nobody answered me, so I guess it meant that they had all shut up. But I opened my eyes to see Mr. Ehway walk in. He didn’t even comment on my hippie outfit like he had last time, probably because it was the second day and realized this was a normal thing for me. It took a while to convince him that, no, I did not have an identity crisis.

            In survival class, we were learning about how to make a lasting campfire. ‘Just in case we were lost in the middle of the woods with only a box of matches,’ was Mr. Ehway’s reasoning. I’m not sure I knew many people who carried matches around with them, if you don’t count pyromaniacs. Those people need to learn a lesson from me, to stop lighting things on fire. Control their inner hatred, extend their inner peace to others.

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