Part Two ~ Chapter Twenty-Two

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Our school was so dangerous, that I knew one of us would end up in here injured.”



I followed the nurses down the white corridor, trying to keep my stride up with theirs. Every step I took, I could feel my heart rate increasing as I thought of what could've happened to Johnny.

Suddenly, both of the nurses stopped in front a room, making me skid to a stop and almost lose my balance. As I steadied my hand on the wall, I witnessed several nurses running down the hall pushing a stretcher. I couldn't tell the age of the victim due to all the... Blood.

I took in another breath and tried to stop the dizzy feeling that was making my feet sway. The nurses knocked on the door, and the voice of someone saying "come in" made me sick to my stomach.

The two nurses stepped into the room, gesturing for me to come after them. I took a deep breath, and then with a hesitant glance I stepped into the room.

Don't lose it.

Don't break down.

Keep it together.

But the minute I saw my brother lying in the hospital bed, I lost all thoughts of staying calm and ran over to him.

"Johnny!" I shrieked, wrapping my arms around him. When I pulled away, I saw that he was laughing at me. "What?" I said, furiously swiping away the tears that were rolling down my cheek.

"I just sprained my wrist," Johnny gave a wary smile, taking my hand.

"Then why... Why do you have all these tubes hooked up to you and such...?" I struggled to get my words through the tears.

"They just want to make sure I'm okay..." Johnny didn't look me in the eyes this time. "I had a nasty fall."

"Speaking of which," I crossed my arms over my chest, "what exactly did u do to yourself?"

"I tripped."

I knew there was something he wasn't telling me. "And...?"

"I... Fell."

"No chiz Sherlock. Now fess up." Feelings of dread had now been replaced with annoyance.

He sighed, looking around to make sure no one else was around. The nurses had all gone, so it was just me and him.

"You know how Ethan, Kyle, and I got the letter back? From Mr. Grey?”

I nodded, not knowing where this was going. That subject was very touchy.

“Well to get the key to give him for the letter, we had to break in to Mr. Higgins’ office. Everything went fine and all… But then MB came and-“

“Wait!” I cut my brother off. “MB? As in my MB…?”

“What? I… Sure?”

“That little-“

“Anyways he told us that there’s security cameras in there, that probably caught our break-in. So Ethan, Kyle, and I decided we needed to get that tape before we were caught. I was standing on the table, trying to reach the camera, when there was… There was this big explosion. I don’t know what it was. Next thing I know, I’m falling. And then I wake up here… They told me that the only thing wrong with me is my wrist, but I blacked out for so long that they just want to make sure. I’ll be alright Amy.”

I stared down at my brother for a while, still clutching his hand. I don’t know if he was saying this to reassure me, or to try and convince himself.

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