Part Two ~ Chapter Seventeen

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"Since Kathryn saved Ethan, whatever she requested us to do, we would."



I took in the scene in front of me, still baffled by what had happened. I should have known something was up when the paper from the woods disappeared from my pocket, but I classified it as everything that was going on made me go a little crazy. Never expecting the boys to risk their lives in such a way, them taking matters into their own hands did not once cross my mind. Now that I think about it though, I shouldn’t be so surprised. The boys had been secretive, Ethan unable to look me in the eye. He tends to think he is good at hiding things, but he isn’t as good as he thinks. He gets a bit nervous when lying to me, so I can always tell when he is up to something.

The letter itself was sitting on the floor of my cabin. The cabin only had the seven of us from the tribe in it, that way everything could be read privately. Knowing that everything was about to drastically change kind of put things into perspective.

“Can we just…read it maybe?” Amy nudged the letter hopefully, casting a look at me that clearly said ‘snap out of your emotional moment, we have a mystery to solve.’ It was not a look I ever thought she would give me, but now it seemed to be directed at me more often than not.

“Let’s not rush. We should take it slow, dissect it piece by piece.” I pondered over Andrew’s idea a little before nodding, deciding he was probably right.

I slipped my hand into the envelope, gripping the letter inside tightly. If this went missing again, I think that would just prove that we were as good as dead. We would have to read the whole thing right now, so that if anything happened we already knew what it held.

I cleared my throat nervously and began.

“If you are reading this, then I am probably dead. Or you went snooping through my stuff, in which case, get out!

“If I am dead though, you need to follow all of my instructions very carefully. Do not miss a single step, for many lives are at stake.”

Amy breathed out a shaky breath.

“How comforting, telling us we are putting lives at stake. What if something happened to the letter while it was gone, and it no longer has all the information it was supposed to?”

“I think it still has everything,” Ethan piped up. I narrowed my eyes at my brother.

“Don’t think I am okay with what you did. I can’t believe…” I trailed off, watching my brother’s eyes become downcast.

“I know you aren’t happy about it, but please just let us focus on the letter right now.”

“Yeah, of course.” I sighed. “I assume I died on the job, so don't feel bad at all. This is what I had signed up for, I knew what I was getting myself into. I was putting all of your lives above my own, so don't feel at fault. It was my own choice and I was pleased to make it the way I did. Don't be an idiot and blame yourself.”

“Blame ourselves? Blame ourselves? How are we supposed to not blame ourselves? Obviously it is partially our fault!” Julia smacked her palm against the floor, creating a startling echo.

Shh…it’s alright Julia. We don’t know everything yet.” I smiled gratefully at Kyle as he tried to soothe Julia. He nodded at me to go on, so I did.

“I figure I have confused all of your pea-sized brains enough, and should begin explaining.”

“Hah,” Amy choked out. “Still the same Kathryn.”

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