Part Three- Chapter Seventeen

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He’s always watching.”



            In a way I could tell what Mr. Grey was doing to us. For all I know he could be right behind us. But I was slowly starting to get the game that Mr. Grey was playing at. Instead of physically hurting us, instead of torturing us like that, he was slowly making his way into our subconscious. We were paranoid with the fear of the very sight of him. Slowly, slowly Mr. Grey was driving each one of us insane. He was there, eating away in the back of our minds as we slowly lost sanity.

            But I wasn’t going to let him do that to me. To us.

            “He’s a lot smarter than we give him credit for,” I muttered under my breath.

            “What do you mean?” Ethan asked. Oh. I didn’t know he could actually hear me.

            “Mr. Grey. He has us all playing at his own game that he’s devised here. We’re just the pawns on the chess board.”

            Ethan was quiet for a while. He seemed to be thinking about something deeply. “And what’s the only way to get off the chess board? To escape the game, the board, the evil ruler at hand? To die. You only get off the board when you’re knocked down.”

            The shocking truth was that Ethan was totally right. The only way out from this would be to die, when Mr. Grey finally got the better of us and killed us. Unless… “But there’s also another option. To win.”

            “You win and you’re still on the board,” Ethan said right away. “You lose and you’re off the board. You win, its short lived. We thought we won. We thought this was all over. Our victory was short lived.”

            “Okay guys quit it with the metaphorical life statement thingys,” Andrew groaned. We had been walking and walking for a long time now, and I guess we were all just really tired.

            But I wasn’t going to let up and let Ethan take the melancholy side in all of this. “But what if we kick the ruler off the board? Then he’s gone forever, the victory isn’t short lived.”

            “So you’re saying we kill Mr. Grey? We kill him? Okay Amy. Yeah. Why didn’t we think of that before? Murder, that’s go over well on our conscience. Might I also mention court?”

            “I didn’t say we kill him. I’m just hoping he’ll like fall off a cliff or something. Or die of like a tiger attack. Or he just give up, something like that.”

            “Guys, shut it,” Andrew said, in a harsher tone this time.

            “Yes, I have a headache,” Kyle said, and I realized he hadn’t said anything in the past half an hour, which was real unusual of him.

             “Okay, freeze.” I stopped for a second, squinting in the shallow moonlight. It wasn’t much, but it was helping us push on through. “Let’s take a breather.”

            “Only…” Kyle stopped to take a breath. “Only for a little bit… We don’t want Mr. Grey to gain ground on us.”

            “Wait a minute.” Andrew slung his backpack that he had managed to grab off his shoulders. He unzipped it and reached into one of the pockets. It was hard to see in the dark, but it looked to me like it was definitely a cell phone.

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