Part One ~ Chapter Ten

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“If you’re going to make us pretend we never saw you and such, don’t you think you should clue us in a bit?”


Chapter Ten

You know that moment when you really feel like you can trust someone, and then they break all of that trust? Yeah, thanks for that Andrew. It’s not like I easily trust people to begin with, and I thought I could trust him. Then he goes off like he has some brobdingnagian secret. That blew it. That was Andrew’s mistake. I have a tough time trusting people, but Andrew didn’t seem to realize that. He seemed to think that he could run around hiding something without any questions on what was going on. Yeah. I don’t think so.

            “Uh…I…uh…” Julia bit her lip nervously, twirling her hair subconsciously. “What was…Maybe…” Julia gave me a look that I knew meant she felt bad for me. Of course Julia and Amy knew I didn’t trust people easily, and how much this was bothering me. I was hunched forward in my seat, trying to think of something to do that would get my mind off of it. Looking around for something to distract me, I saw a blonde chick picking at a salad. She was attractive enough to fit my standards. Standing up, I trashed my food and slid into the seat next to her, flashing her my signature I want to have sex grin.

            I glanced back at my old table to see Amy and Julia sighing unhappily. Pushing my feelings out of my head, I focused on the girl next to me. She was patting down her hair and smiling seductively at me. Smirking at her, I whispered stuff in her ear that I shouldn’t repeat. I pulled her to her feet and we sneaked out of the dining hall, carefully avoiding any adults that might ask questions.


            Slamming open the door to the cabin, I narrowed my eyes to scan the room for Andrew. I was not in a good mood, and that kid had some explaining to do. He better pray that I didn’t practice my football tackle on him. I didn’t think it would go that far, but I was pretty pissed, and wouldn’t blame myself much for anything that happened. Breaking my trust is like murdering someone in my head.

            “You look pretty tense dude. I got this great new stuff and it totally relaxes you. Don’t think it’s addictive either. You just-.”

            “Not now Joe, not now.” I held up my hand. “Where’s Andrew?” Joe lazily lifted a finger to point behind the cabin where Andrew was kicking around a soccer ball.

            “Tell him his mom called earlier and they were looking for him. He wasn’t there at dinner, Mark was concerned. I think. See it happened right after he found my lighter, and I think he took that harder than he ever took my cigarettes. Nancy… Oh well, he doesn’t know shit, and I plan on keeping it that way.” I furrowed my raised eyebrows, pursing my lips a bit in confusion. Half the stuff Joe said didn’t make sense. I shot him one last confused glance before heading out to chat with Andrew. Yay.

            “Andrew!” I called out, scooping up the ball when it landed near my feet. I took a few menacing steps towards him, and his eyes darted around. “What the hell happened back there?”

            “Well…” Andrew trailed off, suddenly immensely interested in the bark on a nearby tree.

            “They call you to the office because your fricken mom called; it isn’t like someone was blaming you for having drugs.” I paused, realizing it was actually possible Mark found something Joe pinned on Andrew. Not like anyone wouldn't automatically assume it was Joe's. Also, I doubt Joe would do that. He just didn't seem like one to blame others for his...illegal activities.

“So? Maybe there was still something happening? Can't I be a bit worried?” Andrew looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The fact that Andrew was so relieved that it was only his mother showed that he did have something to be distraught over. Therefore, I couldn’t trust him yet. Sure we all had secrets, but his seemed pretty substantial, and that made me feel troubled.

“Of course you can be worried. I just wanted to know why you ran away pretending you were not even at dinner. If you’re going to make us pretend we never saw you and such, don’t you think you should clue us in a bit?” I paused, continuing once he looked like he wanted to say something. “Does this have to do with why you freaked out last week over files or whatever?”

“It does not!” Andrew huffed, and I could immediately tell he was lying.

“Thanks for that.” I said dryly.

“For what?”

“For giving me another reason to not trust you! You just lied, I can tell! I don’t trust people so easily you know, and I’m starting to doubt you too.” I kicked Andrew’s soccer ball against a tree, and it sprung back to my feet after bouncing off the tree.

“Look, I’m sorry for lying,” Andrew muttered. “But I just can’t tell you what’s going on. I don’t want to drag you into this?” He turned it into a question, as if he didn’t fully believe what he was saying.

“Don’t want to drag people into it? Well maybe you should consider that before becoming friends with people just to go and leave them completely in the dark about something. Plus, you leave and expect us to just accept it like it’s no big deal you escaped as if the place was on fire.”

“Aright, alright. Maybe I was a bit wrong in the way I reacted, but please understand. You just can’t know. I really do want to tell people, but I can’t. I’m sorry Matt, really.” Andrew frowned thoughtfully while I pondered over what he said. I guess he can’t go and tell people he met two weeks ago everything about him, that’s being a little too trusting. I sighed and nodded, escaping back into the cabin. I forgave him in a way, but I still wasn’t feeling one hundred percent happy with the idea of going back to being good friends with him.

“You still look a bit tense, man. You want the-.”

“No.” I slipped on some running shoes and jogged out the door, leaving Joe on his bed with whatever drugs he had.


Hey! I know, uploaded soon! This is really short so I just thought I would put it up.

Since this is in the Watty Awards, it really means a lot when you vote and comment! 

Comments will get chapters dedicated to them(:

Thanks guys!

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