Part One ~ Chapter Twenty-Two

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“As long as he thought I was fine, then I was doing a good job with my façade.”



Chapter Twenty-Two

The knife was at my throat, things seeming to all come to an end. I could feel it cutting into my skin as I stared into those maniac green eyes. It was going to end like this, I knew it. There would be no more goodbyes before that knife ended my life forever.

But suddenly there she was, the angel in the darkness that rescued me. And her familiar words, her oh so familiar words, echoed in my mind.

"Don't try and solve this, don't try and figure out what's happened. I don't want you getting hurt."

However, things suddenly went wrong. Mr. Grey appeared beside the angel and stabbed her. The angel went crumpling down the ground, in a heap of blood. And then I saw her face. It was-

I woke up, panting and drenched in sweat from my dream. No wait, my nightmare. It was the same one I had been having each night for days now. Although the person who had saved me hadn't died, I still dream of Mr. Grey haunting me. I have come so close to figuring out my savior in my dream, yet the minute I can see I wake up from my nightmare.

The fact that Mr. Grey still taught in our math class didn't make it any better. He seemed to have forgotten everything, but I could never be so sure. Now I was always on edge, every step I took was filled with worry that I might just come face to face with that knife again.

"You okay?" Johnny asked me with concern, just as he did every night. He was used to these nightmares of mine, but I think he was worried that there was something wrong with me. Maybe there was, I don't know. But Johnny and Kyle weren't as traumatized about this whole thing, maybe because they weren't on the verge of death. Though I have to hand it to them, they planned a pretty good rescue mission considering the circumstances. I'd heard the stories multiple times.

"I’m fine," I assured his as always. "Go back to sleep."

And Johnny slumped back into bed, back into his sleep. Though his dreams may not be off a deadly knife, I bet they still included events from that night in the woods.

The next morning went on as usual. At breakfast, Matt would barely eat and just watch me as I ate my own food. This time I was having pancakes.

"Do you want some more syrup?" he asked.


"Are you sure? You never take that little syrup. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I answered, irritated. I didn't mean to sound rude, but Matt was really getting on my nerves. He seemed to be everywhere I was now, never letting me out of his line of sight. I was thankful to him for saving me, don't get me wrong, but he just had to lay off. He thought I couldn't handle these things. But my brother just had to face the fact that I was growing up and didn't need him to do everything for him.

Yet Matt didn't get the message.

"Did you do your homework?"


"Did you do it good enough? You know Mr. Grey always criticizes your work?"

"Is there anything that you think will change his mind?" I snapped.

"Sorry," my brother muttered, closing his mouth.

Every time I was rude to my brother, it added to the ever growing hole in my heart. It was painful to do this to him, but I couldn't have him after me all of my life. Even though I wasn't even close to over on what had happened, I couldn't tell Matt that. I didn't want him worried, so I acted like I didn't have nightmares or jumped whenever someone talked to me. I pretended everything was okay.

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