Part One ~ Chapter Sixteen

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Note** Sorry guys, I said this was an Ethan chapter but I just realized it's from Matt's point of view... Sigh, it's been a long week... Enjoy!

My brother could be dead and I was still here, unable to do anything.”



 Chapter Sixteen

I screamed. My eyes were closed so that I didn't have to see the dead bodies on the ground. I never thought Mrs. Grey would actually shoot. I clenched my tied up hands, the rope biting into my skin. I couldn’t handle the idea of Ethan dying, but now he isn’t the only one. I kept up my ear piercing scream until I realized there had been no sound. There was no bang from the gun and everyone else was silent. I opened my eyes and saw Johnny and Kyle still standing there, fully intact. My hands unclenched and I sighed in relief, she either had awful aim or we all had imagined her pulling the trigger.

“What kind of trick is this? Who took my damn bullets from the gun? This is not some kind of joke. I need those, how else am I supposed to kill you people?” My eyes widened at the woman. She threatened us with a gun that was out of ammunition? Of course we fell for it. Although, I don’t think she meant to.

"Idiot," Johnny muttered before running over to his sister. "Amy! Here, I'll save you!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife to cut through the rope with. How did he get a knife?

"Johnny! You're alright!" Tears leaked out of Amy's eyes as she watched him cut through the rope. Kyle started cutting through Julia's while Mrs. Grey muttered profanities under her breath. She stomped around the cabin, knocking pictures off walls out of anger. She chucked the gun against a wall and it slid down underneath a bed.

Andrew wiggled his hands around in the rope, trying to slip through it. Our wrists had dark red marks on them from the harsh knots, and I knew that it would be impossible for Andrew to get out of that. I scoffed at his attempt, and he rolled his eyes.

"Stop! Stop it right now! Halt your cutting!" Nobody spared Mrs. Grey a look though, and so she was ignored. She didn’t take this well. "You are wrong if you think you will get away! I have this all strategically planned out," Sure she did. "and I won't let you children ruin it!" Of course not, the blame should be put on the gun. "You can try to escape all you want but that won't save Ethan!"

Everyone froze. Ethan. My brother. What happened to him with Mr. Grey? Tears filled my eyes and I tried to stop them from falling. My brother could be dead and I was still here, unable to do anything.

"Well maybe we can help him," Andrew said. It didn’t make a difference. What if Ethan was already dead? Who would save him then? You can't.

“Johnny, keep cutting. Get us out of here. We can go help Ethan!”

“You can't fucking help him if he is already dead!” I exploded. I noticed Mrs. Grey grinning evilly at the scene before her, nodding along as if to approve of my answer. This just enraged me even more. Who did she think she was, kidnapping us to try and kill my brother? And possibly me. All of this just to hurt our parents for causing her husband pain. What a smart lady, marrying a man still hung up on something that happened so long ago. She needed to figure out a better way to spend her time if this is what she was doing all these years. Wasting her life away looking for the family that made her husband bitter.

"You don’t know if he's dead. Calm down, it'll be alright." I could tell Andrew didn't believe what he was saying though.

"Don't lie to Matthew, that is not nice! You have no clue if Ethan will be alright!" Mrs. Grey exclaimed cheerily. I gritted my teeth and held back all the bad thoughts I wanted to voice. "Now how did you mini people find us? I was very careful when executing my plan. Nobody suspected a thing."

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