Part Two ~ Chapter Eleven

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"I couldn't take any more of her ignoring me telling her we were through."



Her annoying voice seemed to follow me everywhere, and I had finally had enough. I was breaking up with Charlotte.

It wasn't as if we were an amazing couple or in love or something, we were just fake. She spent all her time trying to make us look 'picture perfect', while I spent every single day trying to block out her voice.

What kind of relationship was that?

Definitely not one I wanted to be in any longer.

All she was was a distraction. Someone to keep my mind off of everything that was wrong. All she ended up doing was bug me though, so I had to put an end to our relationship. Charlotte and I would soon be over.

She flounced into the lounge, blowing a kiss to a guy that was eyeing her legs that were being showed off by her doll sized skirt. I grimaced when imagining what her reaction would be to what I was about to do. I had said I wanted to hang out with her after class, but I didn't plan on doing any hanging out. I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.

"Hey babe," Charlotte whispered seductively. She kissed me on the cheek, and I ignored her when she bit her lip. I knew she wanted me to kiss her, but it wasn't going to happen.

"Hi Charlotte." I sighed, unsure of how to do it. I had never done girlfriends in the past, so I never had to deal with the breakup scene. Now I knew never to get myself into this position again.

"What's up?" Charlotte laid her legs across mine, stretching them out as if to tempt me. I shoved all thoughts aside though so I could focus on the task I had to complete. Charlotte and I were not meant to date, I knew that much was true, so I had to get out of the relationship as soon as possible.

"We have to talk." I stated plainly. Her eyes widened quickly and she shook her head back and forth repeatedly.

"No we don't." She planted her lips firmly on mine, kissing me, prodding me not to say what I had to say. She knew what was coming, but she didn't want it to happen.

I pushed her off of me and stood up.

"This can't go on any longer Charlotte. You know that this isn't a relationship, just two people stuck together. There are no feelings involved, and I just can't be a part of this any longer." her face crumpled and she looked at me almost pleadingly.

"No! You don't mean that! We care  about each other!" I could tell she was lying though. She knew what a crappy couple we made, but didn't want to ruin her reputation. Me breaking up with her would surely become big gossip by tomorrow.

"Charlotte..." I trailed off, still with no idea on how to get it through to her that we shouldn't be dating. To her we were the couple that everyone looked up to, an Charlotte liked that attention. The attractive football player and the hot cheerleader made a perfect pair in everyone's eyes. Everyone's eyes but mine that is.

I would forever regret the day that I agreed to go on a date with her. When she demanded that we go out. What drug was I on when I said yes?

Being with Charlotte felt more like a chore than something I actually enjoyed. How could I get that through to her?

"You want me," Charlotte whispered. She took hold of my hand and placed it on one of her thighs. Instead of moving in to kiss her like I normally would, I pulled my hand out from under hers.

"I do not want you, Charlotte. All I want is for you to understand that we are breaking up. Right now."

"No we aren't, you just don't feel well. Is it what you ate? Did you not get enough sleep?" She ran a finger down my chest in a suggestive manner. "Or maybe you just need some action." She whispered into my ear. "I can take care of that," She cooed, kissing my neck.

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