Part Two ~ Chapter Nineteen

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“We were pushing each other away when things got more difficult, when we needed each other the most.”



 “Hey, so how’d your thing with the key go?” I looked up to see MB heading towards Johnny, Kyle, and I in the lounge. We were all sitting there watching a football game that was playing on TV, none of us really interested because we were all still extremely tired. “Woah, what happened to you guys?”

            “It was all good,” I replied, ignoring his second question. “Thanks for your help by the way, we couldn’t have gotten the key without you…”

            “That’s what I came here to talk to you guys about…” MB bit his lip and sat down beside us. “I found out something that we all failed to overlook before.” Kyle looked like he was about to say something, before MB added “yes, even you Kyle.”

            “What is it?” I asked wearily, figuring that it couldn’t be anything too bad. The key was already gone and in the hands of Mr. Grey, so there was nothing we could do about that.

            “Uhh…” He gave us all a look before continuing. “Mr. Higgins’ office is wired with security cameras…”

            At this moment, Kyle snapped his head up and started to go on a rant. “How could I have been so stupid as to overlook this?! Of course he would have a video camera, considering all of the stuff that has been-”

            “Kyle.” I stopped him before he got too ahead of himself and revealed anything to MB that we didn’t want him knowing. “Calm down. We need to figure out a way to get the security tape back of us stealing the key before Mr. Higgins finds out. He’ll suspend us for sure.”

            I looked over at Johnny to see if he had any input, but he just looked plain terrified. “A camera!? Geez, we’re all screwed.” I gave him a dry look, but we all knew it was true.

            “I have another suggestion,” MB said.

            “Oh, like your suggestion worked out so well last time,” Kyle snapped. I gave him a glare, and he sheepishly lowered his head and muttered “sorry.”

            “Sooo… the dance is tomorrow.”

            “Are you going with my sister?” Johnny interrupted.

            MB just continued, ignoring him. “Mr. Higgins will obviously be out supervising the dance during that time, and since it is only for high schoolers, I figured you guys could just go into his office and get the tape back?”

            I pondered over what MB was saying. It was a good idea… But it still had its risks. Many risks. Kyle seemed to think the same thing too, because he started listing all of the problems that would come along with his plan. “This means we have to figure out where he keeps his security tapes. But the minute we sneak into his office, surely we will be recorded coming in, so we have to stop that security tape also. And during the dance our counselors are sure to keep an eagle watch on us.”

            “Wow, you seemed to be quick to put down my plan,” MB laughed sadistically. “Well, unless you guys have any other idea…” I felt sort of bad for him at the moment, because Kyle and Johnny seemed so quick to shoot him down. I mean, all he was trying to do was help us in the first place.

            “I think MB’s right,” I spoke up. “What other way is there to steal a tape but to break into his office again? There really is no other option.”

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