Part One ~ Chapter Nine

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“I knew the three of us may never get to spend time where everything felt like normal again.”


Chapter Nine

Thankfully Mrs. Grey did not return all week. If did though, some serious shit was going to be going down in that class. But things went on as normal for the rest of the week, or as normal as they could ever be at Hamilton. Matt was a perv, Johnny annoyed the crap out of me, dance classes started up for me, Kyle was still smarter than all of us combined, all that sort of stuff. Everyone knew my peaceful phase wouldn’t last very long. Acting was my new thing now! It was fun pulling a dramatic performance here or there, maybe even try out for drama club once all that started up in a couple of weeks.

And Friday would have been completely normal too, if things had gone the right way with Andrew. But there was one thing I noticed about him. He didn’t have ‘a usual thing’ that he always did. I had known him for two weeks yet I couldn’t tell if he was a sports fan or a science geek. He would laugh with us, joke with us, but he wouldn’t say a word about his past. It was like he was hiding something.

And I think on Friday was when he finally broke. Shattered, into a million little pieces.


“I’m so glad the week is over with!” Julia exclaimed, flopping down on her bed.

“Never thought I would have this much homework on just the second week of school.”

“Just be happy Mr. Grey didn’t get you a detention for sleeping in his class. Don’t ask me how you got out of it with Mr. Higgins,” Julia shook her head in disbelief. “Maybe he has a soft spot for you.”


Julia and I both jumped as we heard a scream come from outside. Judging from the tone of voice, it must have been Kathryn. We both ran over to the window and pulled up the curtain just a bit to see what was going on.

“Oooo, Nancy’s getting it,” I murmured as my breath fogged up the glass.


The scene unraveled in front us as Kathryn was face to face with Nancy, glaring at her with hands on her hips. I opened my mouth to say something, but Julia quickly put her hand over it.

“I think I know what’s going on,” she whispered. 

I raised an eyebrow but didn’t respond. Instead, I watched as Nancy’s lips moved faster than I could decipher, eyes narrowing at Kathryn. At one point, Kathryn’s eyes turned towards the window and sent Julia and I ducking for cover.

"Hide!" I half screamed half whispered as we pulled the curtain shut. We both dropped to the floor and pressed our backs against the wooden wall with a laugh.

"Kathryn's really smart," Julia seemed to be talking to herself, given I had no idea what was happening.

“Explain," I demanded.

"So you were in the shower this morning when it happened, but Nancy was telling Tanya and I about how Mark had been doing a drug check on the guys' cabin. So naturally Joe needed somehwere to hid his weed, marijuana, or whatever illegal substances he had up his sleeves. And of course Nancy offered to hide the drugs for him, given she has a major crush on him."

"So Nancy was caught with drugs?"

Julia shrugged. "I guess. Hopefully it wasn't the marijuana stuff, that'd get her thrown in prison. It might have been her smoking though, her breath reeks of it."

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