Part One ~ Chapter Twenty-One

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"Mokita- the truth everyone knows but no one talks about."



Chapter Twenty-One

Red blood dripped onto the dirt floor, drop by drop. The pain was if a million needles had just been injected into my arm, or a bees all stabbing those stingers of theirs into my flesh. I was screaming so loud that I could barely even hear my own thoughts. And eyes met mine, eyes that glinted evilly with no regret as a knife came into view.

But it was a ghost. Those were the eyes of ghost. Mrs. Grey was dead now, how could she be killing me yet again?

 "Goodbye sweetie," she chuckled, and I didn't even get a chance to say any last words before I saw the knife plunging into my heart.

 I woke up clutching the spot where I thought the knife had been, my eyes flung wide open. Breathing in a sigh of relief, I tried to close my eyes to get back to sleep again. Mrs. Grey was gone, dead. Mr. Grey was still here, yet I didn't fear him as much yet since I didn't know what he was capable of. Not that I wanted to know what he was capable of. 

            The nightmares will go away, I told myself. They will go away…


I subconsciously found myself straying over to archery after school whenever I didn't have any other electives to do or some big project. MB (mystery boy who's name I still didn't know,) and I had sort of bonded in a way. Not in one where we actually knew each other, but it was that sort of silent one where  we don't need to talk to make things better. Sometimes just a presence can help.

"You're here a lot now," he said one day.

"Yep." I didn't say anything else, but instead just went on to shoot at the target. And MB didn't say anything else.

Archery was slowly helping me get over the kidnapping and all that had happened. It was a time where I could just be in a comforting silence, not one where I had to worry I might be killed any moment. Arrow after arrow, I tried to shoot the pain away as if it might disappear forever.

"Something's wrong," MB stated simply as we were collecting arrows once.

            "Why do you say that?" I asked, picking up an arrow that was lodged straight down into the soil.

 "Because you only hit one on the target. And missed all of the other times."

            A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Observant now, are we?"

            MB shrugged. "Best of our ten?"

"You're on."

            And we'd go right into a round of competitions each day. Whenever that arrow hit the center, there was a twinge inside of me that healed. The competitive part of me was growing, and there were days when I just felt the need to go to the archery field and hit the bulls-eye a couple of times.

 Maybe my new crowd of friends helped with the healing. Hanging out with Tanya sure did get me involved in a lot of random projects of hers, like bake sales and charities and such. Tanya was peppy, but I needed the cheery spirit to make sure I didn't sink any lower than I already was.

 She even openly supported my new phase, which was wearing only one specific color a day. Sometimes it would be black, sometimes pink. It varied on the mood I was in when I woke up in the morning. My dreams could make me depressed at times when I thought they were gone for good.

 But the strangest of it all, it was something I didn't get. The kidnapping had changed many things in my life; my friends, my new passion for archery, the dreams. But something out of all of that didn't make any sense. And that was Andrew.

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