Chapter 1 vistors

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Picking up on my first book. What exciting things will happen now to Kessa and Grievous?? We will see!

  It's quite, the sun on this system was just coming up. A loud blue ship blasted though a set of trees not long after. Flying over mountains going to a ocean. The ship hovered over the water several miles out. A small droid comes out of the water and climbs onto the ship, holding a small box. Once the droid was in the ship, it takes off again. Going out then making a sharp up curve. Flying straight into space. The ship hits hyperspace before it leaves the atmosphere of the small world.


Empty separatist space. The clone wars almost over but still everyone has to be on guard. A large ship comes into view as it comes around the rings of a planet. The most massive ship in this area of space and most feared. The malevolence was creeping through. It was waiting for something. A ripple of hyperspace movement as the small blue ship comes out. Flying straight to the massive battle ship. Most ships would be shot before they even got close but as this small blue ship gets into view you see the words "smuggling harlot" on the side. This was no other than General Kessa , General Grievous wife, the most feared couple in the galaxy.
Harlot arrived in the cargo bay of malevolence. Kessa and B.B along with 3 magnaguards walked out. They headed up to the control room. B.B. Carried the box. Kessa's golden her flowing down her back as it rested on her cap that she now posed. The cap bared the symbol Grievous always wore.

The control room doors opened and Kessa walked in.  Grievous in a fast pace made is way to greet his wife. He hugged her as soon as he could touch her.
"My Kessa. How was your trip? I missed every night not seeing you. I hope your trip was a success?" Grievous said stroking her hair.
"Yes we succeed easily. B.B. Give Grievous the box. It contains all the info we need for the sith to win the war." Kessa replied
"Wonderful. Count Dooku will be pleased." Grievous said as he took the box. He walked over to the transmitter to tell the good news.
It had been 4 weeks since their marriage. Kessa couldn't be happier cause everything was going right. She had everything she could have ever wanted. Kessa sat down in one of the command chairs she was exhausted from her several day journey. Grievous came up behind her.
"Would you like to go rest? I can control the ship for now." He said as he rubber her neck.
"That's tempting but I would like to be in your company." She said to him. She looked up at him and smiled.
"As you wish my love" he replied leaning down so she could kiss him.
"Generals, we have a ship coming out of hyperspace. It's a big one." Said a battle droid.
Grievous groaned as he walked over to look.
The ship pulled into orbit out of hyperspace. It was a massive Jedi cruiser.
"Fire all cannons! We have no choice but to fleet. This ship will distroy the malevolence with this surprise attack. Commander! Jump us to the heart of the separatist space. I want to speck to the sith about this." General Kessa was furious. Grievous looking at his wife was stunned in her tactics.
"Are we not going to fight?" He said.
"That ship chased me on my journey to retrieve the Jedi's plans. We are outnumbered and outgunned they will not let us use the ion cannon. We are not lined up." Kessa saying almost teary eyed she walked to the other side of the control room facing away from Grievous.
"Shields are 45% generals. But we are ready to jump to hyperspace. Shall I?" The commander battle droid asked
"Yes we won't stand a chance with shields down." Kessa replied.
Just as the malevolence was about to jump to hyperspace a bang happened. The ship was still in tacked and hit hyperspace fine.
"What was that?" Grievous said in an annoying tone.
"We have intruders in the cargo bay. Two Jedi." A battle droid said.
"Oh no they don't! Not my ship not now!" Kessa roared furious than ever. But Grievous stopped her.
"I will take them you can stay here." He said to her. More calmer than he had been.
"No that's not an option. I'm coming with you." Kessa looked up at him. Her eyes met his and he new he wasn't about to stop her.
He moved his arm so she could pass him to the elevator. They both stepped in.
Kessa let her whip uncoil in one hand furthest from Grievous and the other hand her light saber. Grievous had his light sabers ready as well.
"They have no idea what Hell they have found. My ship, my life, my husband. Do NOT mess with me. We will show them what fear is."

Hell has no fury like Kessa! Don't you dare come and mess her day up! What are they Jedi doing? Who are they? We will find out in the next chapter!

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