Chapter 6 Master Noxin

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Ah so now I'm going to have to really figure out where these 2 can go. I'm really trying my best to make this a good story. You can also check out my Harry Potter story also! It's PG-13 not Mature so no sex scenes or what not. Either way thanks for all the support!

"Go find her. If you have the connection I know you have with her, you will find her. I can't lose my best couple like this. Go now. Take any army you need. If you need Malevolence put the call beacon on. We will be ready. Pirates don't work for anyone, they won't care who you are Grievous." Count Dooku said to Grievous on his transmitter.

He entered Smuggling Harlot with B.B. Six offline destroyer droids in the back of the ship already. Grievous closed the door and sat down in Kessa's captain chair. He gently placed the gift he wanted to give her in a compartment.

"Ready?" He said to B.B

"Yes. We are full of ammo and everything is restocked." B.B replied.

Grievous pressed the speaker "commander are you ready with your clones and droids?"

"Yes General. On your command we will follow you." Spoke the commander back.

Harlot roared out of the bay. Three other ships followed. Harlot hit hyperspace followed by the three other ships.

Grievous was in deep thought. He had not slept in several days . Seemed to be lost in finding out here Kessa was. She was his life support, in more than one way. Grievous started a coughing fit. He had to catch his breath before he got angry. It's been months since he had one. Kessa always was there to Heal his lungs. He was always listening. Hoping to hear her calling for him again. This was the best way he could find out which way to go.

Slave freight ship

"You mean your the wife of the most feared General the separatist have?" Said a girl with head tails.

"Yes I am. He will be coming for me. The men here have no idea what hell they have brought from bring me here." Kessa was walking from wall to wall. Her skirt was very shredded up, her sleeves ripped up one was almost completely off. Her corset had blood on it from being punched in the face. She healed her bruises on her legs easily but she couldn't see her face to know how bad it was.

"You should keep your strength. Said an older woman. Here have this." She handed a small piece of bread to Kessa. She had forgotten that she had not are in 2 days.

"Thank you." She grabbed it and ate it fast. She sat down and leaned up against one wall. She was exhausted. But needed to give Grievous another message. She closed her eyes. "Please be quite for a few minutes. I need to send a message to Grievous."

The other women sat down as well and just watched her.

Kessa held her hands together. She slowed her breathing.

Kessa was again surrounded by darkness.

"I'm in a very large slave freight. I'm not sure where. You will need to just follow my voice." She spoke into the darkness.

"I'm coming. I'm always listening for you. Stay safe my love. Stay strong. I'm on my way." His echo was all around her. Feeling her soul.

"I will need rest. I love you." She said as she drifted back to the cell. She opened her eyes to see the women stuffing her from afar.

"He is coming." All she said. She rolled over to try to get some rest. She longed to be back with Grievous. She missed being safe. He could kill everyone of these men easily. Their style is sloppy she thought. At lease the floor was cold. It reminded her of Grievous's armor and it made sleeping easy despite all that has happened.

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