Chapter 2 the battle

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes again. Im hoping to make a new chapter every other day on this one so everyone stays up to date on these two!

Kessa came out of the elevator first. She thought about using her light saber but put it back after she thought about it. "I can use it last as a sneak attack. They don't know I can use it and use the force." She said to Grievous.

"You should let me go first. I want to protect you." Grievous insisted.

"We go together. We protect each other. As we always do. I love you." She stop and kissed him.
Grievous nodded knowing this was true.
They came out of the hallway together.

"Come out Jedi Scum!" Grievous roared.

"I thought you would never come!" A female Jedi said. She had head tails and a blue light saber. "You will pay for what you did to our ships Droid!"

That was it. That was what broke Grievous. He was in rage. The Grievous that the stories where made from. Killing machine. He met her one light saber with four. Jumping around she was trying to fight him. Then Kessa realized there was two not just this girl. Kessa started to walk around her ship Harlot in the bay.

"Desire on." She said and her destroyer droid came to life. "Find the other Jedi from me." He rolled away and she followed in a run. It stopped on the other side of Soulless one, Grievous's ship. Guns ready and shields up. "Come out I'm tired of these games Jedi!" Kessa Said.

It was Obi-Wan Kenobi. He hopped down infront of her. His light saber ready.

"Please let me help you. You don't have to stay here! Come with me." Obi-Wan said to her.

"You wouldn't understand Obi-Wan! You have never loved anyone! I stay cause of my choice! I love him. This is my ship also! I am a General!" Kessa slapped her electric whip making a massive pop. "General Grievous is my husband. I'm not one to mess with."

"So be it. Your my enemy if I like it or not." Obi-Wan sighed. Jumping forward Desire started shooting him as Kessa used her whip. Just nearly missing the Jedi. Grievous came around the corner to see Obi-Wan trying to pin down Kessa. Grievous came around his back to attack.

The female Jedi came out of no where she was going to Kill Grievous. Kessa saw her and with all her might she used the Force and pushed her back. She went flying back and hit Harlot. Knocking her unconscious. Kessa full of rage she through Obi-Wan also. He was able to catch himself. Not paying attention to Obi-Wan she caught eyes with Grievous. They where as one. Her eyes said 'you have him right?' His said 'yes you go kill her' and he nodded as she passed.

She was on top of the unconscious Jedi. Almost feeling sorry she was about to kill her this way. Pulling out her light saber Kessa remember she was going to Kill Grievous. Her only reason to live. No.. Not sorry. She stabbed her light saber though the young Jedi's chest.

Obi-wan saw Kessa and grabbed a small droid fighter ship and escaped. Grievous in rage roar as he wasn't able to kill his enemy. He was about to chase him but looked over to see Kessa looking over the Jedi's dead body.  He forgot everything and went to her.

"It's done. Come. She was your first one. It's alway the hardest my dear. Here..." He picked up her light saber."take this. It is yours now." He gently handed it to her. "You saved my life again Kessa." Grievous couldn't see her face from under her hair. He bent down and pulled her close to him. Pushing her hair out from her face she hand tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I forget how hard this can be sometimes." He picked her up bridle style. "Ships is one thing but killing someone with your hands or a saber is another."

Kessa finally spoke. "Killing her wasn't the issue. Knowing how close she was to killing you is what I can not handle." Kessa buried her face in his chest.

"Your the best thing that has happened to me. I love you more than you ever know Kessa. And with you by my side, nothing will happen to me. Your my Guardian Angel."  He picked her face up and she kissed him. Throwing her arms around his neck.

"I love being your wife." She whispered to him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He replied back.

We are getting into the end of the clown wars let's see what will happen. Sorry for the delay in chapters. Hope you like this and keep following

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