Chapter 10 Jealous maybe

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Lets all be happy that I have some free time today! So I will get this chapter out as fast as I can. Between cleaning reptile cages I should be able to finish this in no time :) i just picked up a new tablet with a keyboard now as well! woohoo! so this should make things a lot faster! no more iphone typing. anyways i hope you enjoy!

Kessas POV

"And why are we staying again?" Ventress asked as be both went to the bathroom together. We kinda looked like twins with my hair gone but just a little fuzz and her balled. She had her makeup on and I had my kaleesh war paint on as well.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to get to know Vader a little more. Being on his good side will help us in the long run also." I said, not really pleased to stay here. I really wanted to go home. My ship was my safe zone with Grievous. I loved it very much. But as long as i was with Grievous I was Happy. "I wonder why Vader wanted you to come Ventress? i mean he didnt have to have you here, but he wanted you. oh Crap. you think he likes you?" I turned to Ventress who wasnt looking at me, she was fixing her makeup in the Mirror.

"I suppose anything is Possible now. Might as well make the best of it. The Universe is going to shit anyways." she looked it me and smiled "lets not keep them waiting. Grievous might snap at him if your not there to control him." she walked passed me and i followed her. she as right, Grievous relies on me. he would have destroyed several people if he didnt have me to calm him. he still has a short fuze but im working on that.

we walked down the hall way side by side. her dress and cloak flowing. my bustle skirt and cape flowing beside her, we were meant to be best friends. i would do anything for her and seeing the crew in ah as we passed made us feel even more powerful. we turned a corner to see Grievous and vader talking to each other in the hall. it really seemed like Vader was trying to tell him about the Space station or as he called the Death Star with very little luck of interest from Grievous. Grievous saw me first before Vader did. i could see his eyes almost start to glow at me. crazy how he loves me so much. Vader turned around and watched as we neared them. I dont like that you cant see his eyes. they would tell so much about what he is thinking. yet you cant see his face at all. at least i can tell what is going on by his posture. his hands are crossed facing Grievous beside him but his head is turned to us. well thats a start.

Grievous took a step to me as I approach him. he always makes me feel like im the most important being. 

"You look beautiful. Lord Vader was just telling me about how the Crystals power the Death Star's power beam." he held out his hand and i placed mine in his. i love his cold feel. Vader was still looking at me. being silent other than his breathing. its similar to Grievous when i first met him. like he is in pain to breath. i took this opportunity to tell about our Malevolence.

"It seems to be the same type of cannon beam as what we use on our ship. yes of course its in a different category than ours. we aim to stun the opposite then destroy."

"you seem very fond of your ship. I only hope that the Death Star will be just as amazing and rewarding as your ship you call Malevolence. Come i would like to show you the bar. i know its not of any use but i figured that you two (his hand waved waved over ventress and me) would appreciate a few drinks. im not cold hearted, Much" he turned and Ventress smiled and followed first. I walked besided Grievous. He seemed to be in deep thought. i grabbed his hand so he would look at me.

"you ok?' i whispered as we walked. his metal feet clinking on the metal floor every step was loud so i knew the others couldnt hear me speak. he was also good at listening to me, for the most part. he nodded to me as we walked. he did make much eye contact before he looked back down the hall. something was bothering him. but what?

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