Chapter 3 Dont leave

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I'm going to try to get a few more chapters in this story. I hope that people really enjoy this story as much as I do.

Kessa and Grievous where walking side by side as they arrived to speak to their supreme Lord Darth Sidious. They where as one. Both caps flowing as they walk down to the dark room. The door open and Kessa walked in first Grievous close behind her. Darth Sidious was facing away from them.

Kessa bowed and Grievous did the same beside her.
"My lord. Our ship was attacked on the outskirts of the separatist domain. We had to fleet with no choice. It was my choice. We where able to kill one Jedi that entered our ship on the way here." Kessa said. Grievous looked out of the corner of his eye at her. He heard her words 'my choice' he didn't want her to be in trouble. Sidious turned around and he quickly looked back to the ground.

"My dear I don't hold hard feelings to you or Grievous. You two are my top Generals and have a very good rate of Kills." He motioned them to stand.
They both stood up and looked at Sidious.
"I so post that Obi-Wan got away?"

"Yes." Grevious answered before Kessa.

"I see." Sidious put his hand to his chin. "It is time to execute order 66." He placed both hands on his hood and lifted it up and down.

"Your palpatine?" Kessa said before she could think.

"Yes. After today you will control clones along with your droids. Don't worry, my Generals, I need your help with this order. We will have an empire!"
Sidious can over to hold Kessa's hand. He lifted her hand and kissed it lightly. "I need you to do something for me. This mission is for you only I'm sorry. But it should not take you long with your abilities."

"Yes my lord." Kessa nodded

"Leave tonight, go to this Planet." He pointed to the small model at a small planet. "you will find a Jedi patrol there. Distroy them all." He walked away to the other side of the room.

"It will be done my lord." She replied.

"You both may leave. With order 66 all Jedi will die. We will rise and control the Galaxy!" He said to them as they left the room.


They made it to Kessa's ship to depart back to Malevolence so Grievous can control the ship while Kessa did her mission. Kessa buckled up and started harlot up. She looked frustrated. She didn't want to leave Grievous. Not right now.

"I don't want you to leave." Grievous spoke but didn't look at Kessa when she looked over. He was looked out as he was sitting in B.Bs spot.

"I won't take long. You trained me well." She said as he looked over to her and she smiled at him. Secretly she didn't want to go either. But she had to be strong. She had to obey her new Empire.

They pulled up into malevolence. She rested her ship but didn't turn it off. Knowing that Sidious would want this done as soon as possible. She un buckled as Grievous but before he could stand up she jumped on top of him. Straddled and facing him. He placed his arms around her. She kissed him several times.

"Don't miss me to much." She kissed him again. And looked into his eyes. He was scanning her eyes, her face, her soul. He took a deep breath.

"Don't be long. I won't be able to think with you gone. You just got back this morning." He said as he looked into her eyes.

"Promise." She replied as she sat up and opened the door. Grievous walked out but wouldn't let go of Kessa's hand.

"B.B you and Desire go with Kessa. I will also send my best Magnaguards as well." B.B. Nodded and loaded Desire in the back hatch before he boarded Harlot. Grievous grabbed up Kessa tight closed to him. "I love you."

"I love you my Grievous. I will be back soon." She kissed him again and started to walk away. Letting her hand go down his arm, till she was only holding his hand. Turning back to look at him. His cap flapping from the wind coming form the engine of Harlot. "promise..."

Grievous watcher her pull away and into hyperspace. Not moving an inch till she was out of sight.

Short chapter but running out of time tonight. Hope to have more time to make another chapter soon!

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