Chapter 12 Saving Hope

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having to see how all this can play out to make it even more exciting! as you can remember from my first book Grievous said he couldnt have kids. so how is this possible? we will see what happens and will Kessa tell him right away? did he make it out in time before the ship hit the moon? all will be found out in time.

Kessa was sitting on the scoop of one of the fins from her ship Harlot. looking out over the lake. the place where she fell in love with Grievous not so long ago. she had collected her thoughts. Grievous had told her he was not able to produce children but here she was with his child. she knew it was only the force and from a miracle that it happened. she was wondering how she could become a mom in this time. she would be a good one as she was already protective of her little being in her stomach. she wanted nothing more but to tell Grievous.. she was just hoping he was ok. he had to be ok. she tried her braclet again but nothing. his Transmitter must be out. she thought to her self. it was about dusk here now. birds flying around and singing along the side of the lake made her less stressed.

something caught the corner of her eye. she saw a ship fly from orbit and was coming in fast. one engine was on fire and it seemed it was not slowing down. "Souless one" Kessa gasped. the ship was flying to the other side of the lake right on the bank. kessa jumped down and started running. BB on her heels. Souless one hit the sand hard and rolled 2 times before it stopped. sparks coming out from the left side of the engine compartment. "No no.... please be ok..." Kessa was running as fast as she could. she fell in the sand about 25 foot away, she got up fast and kept going. she climbed one fin of the ship Grievous was out cold and looked wounded. Kessa couldnt get the top to open. she had tears in her eyes. She pulled out her light saber turned on the furious purple glow and stabbed the lock on the top of the ship. She grinned it until it cut open the hatch. The door opened and she pulled her saber out. She immediately turned it off and jumped into the cockpit. Grievous was beat up bad, one arm was broken, tubs hanging like he got it stuck trying to escape. He was breathing but just.

"Grievous... Please wake up. Grievous..." She was crying hard. She noticed he was poor if a liquid from his chest. "No!...." She pushed both hands under his chest plate. She hand no other choice, this was it. She placed both hands on his gut sac. She closed her eyes and let all she had into the force to him. She felt the liquid on her hand flow. She took another breath.  "You can't leave me." She said. "I won't let you." The liquid stopped. "You said you wouldn't leave me. Not like this. Not now." She leaned her head on his chest plate. Still crying, her tears fell on him. "I love you." She stayed there. Hoping.. The force wouldn't let this happen. She was becoming weak from forcing all of her strength to heal him.

His breathing became stronger. She was so weak but kept using the force. She wouldn't stop. "You know." She spoke her voice was almost a whisper. "I couldn't believe it when she told me." Her eyes where barely open. "You need to wake up. We need you. " his hand twitched and he took a large breath. His body jumped, pushing Kessa forward. She stopped using the force, she was light headed but was able to hold herself. Grievous moved his head forward and opened his eyes. He looked forward to Kessa.

"Kessa... You saved me. I heard your voice the whole time. You healed my internal bleeding. I was going to die. I was there but I stopped. I listened to your voice. I couldn't leave you. Like you said." His working hand went to Kessa's cheek, she pulled her hand to his and pressed it to her face. She leaned to him and kissed him.

"Who told you something?" He asked her. He knew she had to tell him something. His eyes darted all around her. "I'm so glad your not hurt. I can't say that much about myself." He looked over to see his limp arm.

"Here let's get you up to my ship. I can't stand seeing you this way." She got out of the ship and helped pull him out. He was still so weak. And so was Kessa. They slide off the side of Souless one. "I'm going to miss her." She touched the side of the ship before they started to walk around the lake. Grievous limped on his left leg. It seemed that full side hate been hit hard. Kessa got under his limp arm and cradled him as they walked. "I will be able to fix you up in not time when we get to my ship."

Grievous looked at Kessa as they walked slowly around the lake. He couldn't figure out what he missed before their battle ship went down. "We are now without a star destroyer. Unfortunately we are the only survivors also. Dooku didn't make it out of the control room before it was took down. I was able to get away with a cost." Kessa looked up with tears in her eyes again but didn't say anything. B.B was cuting down small bushes to make it easier for them to get to Harlot.

It took them a good while to get back to the ship. But Kessa didn't mind. She had her Grievous and that's all that mattered. "Here please sit here I will find my tools." Grievous sat down at the door frame while she dug to find her equipment. Grabbed her wrench set and started working on him. He watched as she connected everything with much ease. "I'm not an expert but we all know I can work on about anything. now I can add my husband to the list." Grievous made a grunt laugh at her poor excuse of a joke. She moved his hand in and out. She attached wires and worked hard to make everything look normal. Grievous watched her work and he was impressed with her work and how she came this fair.

"There now let me attach this last few things up here at your shoulder and you should be able to use this arm again." She pushed real hard and clicked his socket into place. His fingers moved and he was able to lift his arm up and around Kessa. He pulled her close to him. "You don't have to thank me, I love you and I'm here to do anything I can."

"Your to good for me." Grievous said as he looked into Kessa's eyes. She knew he would be a wonderful father. But she wanted to fix him first before she told him. She smiled and kissed his voice maker.

"I need to fix your leg also. I'm not done with you yet." She pulled away and grabbed a few more tools. Grievous turned and pulled his left leg on the inside of the ship. Kessa came and sat down next to him. She saw a few broken rods and a hose not attached. Quickly she attached the hose and started replacing the rods. One wouldn't come apart so she had to straddle his leg to pull harder. Grievous laughed at her as she pulled but couldn't get the bolt to loosen.

"Here let me help." He leaned down and pushed up. The bolt gave with his strength.

"Thank you." She was able to get the rest off and new rods back one with little effort. She tightened the last bolt and stood up. "Let's see how it works. We can always get you fixed up better when we get back to the empire." Grievous stood up and walked around the inside of the ship. He wasn't limping so that made Kessa feel better. He walked over and jumped out of the ship. Nothing broke or gave as he turned to look at Kessa. "Seems to be holding fine."

"All thanks to my lovely wife." He said as he bowed at her. He took her hand and pulled her down to the ground out of the ship. "I want to know if you are ok, you fix me up with ease but I see worry in your eyes."

She looked at Grievous and smiled. She couldn't keep anything from him. "I'm in perfect Heath my love. But I do have something to tell you and this will be shock to you as much as it did me." She kept her eyes on His golden slits. She took a deep breath and let it out as she said the words. "Your going to be a father Grievous."

It didn't seem to be registering what she told him. He was still looking at her as he held her tight around the waist. "I'm pregnant. That's why I was sick. The medical droid told me." He blinked a few times before his eyes looked down at her stomach.

"I was told it wouldn't happen. A rare chance if any, I'm now called father." He bent down  so his head was level with Kessa's belly, his eyes so kind and peaceful, "Out of all the things that has happened today. This little gem of Hope exists." He placed his hands on each side of her waist and rested his head on her stomach. Taking in every happy moment with Kessa.

Boy I really enjoyed this chapter! I really think that this is the bond that I would have wanted to see in Grievous if he would have found someone. This is why I do not think bad guys are bad. They have a reason to be that way. And if they would have found someone it could have and probably would have been different. Kessa is the light and peace that Grievous's Chaos needed. This isn't the end of this story right yet. We still have more to go.

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