Chapter 8 Gifts

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Sorry it's been a while but I'm going to try to get this chapter done soon and have one at least a week :)

Kessa started to wake up. She was so exhausted. So hungry and thirsty. She opened her eyes to see she was in her and Grievous's room. She sat up. A few small lights where on around the trophies, no bright lights on she could tell this was to help her sleep. She wasn't sure how long she was out but it must be morning. In the chair was a large plate of food along with a large cup of water. Kessa drunk all the water and eat a large amount of food. She was so full but wanted to be beside Grievous so didn't waste time getting up. Before she got out of bed she noticed a large box at the foot of the bed.

Kessa opened the box. She almost cried. Grievous had her a new black dress, new cape with their symbol and then another small box with a note on it.

"I had this made for you a couple weeks ago. I fixed it so that now it has a transmitter inside of it. You can find me no matter where you are. I love you so much. -Grievous"

Kessa opened the smaller box to find a beautiful bracelet. Not just any bracelet. It was made from Grievous, a small piece of his armor was on the filigree metal making there symbol. A small circle with a button was modified on the top. She placed it on her wrist and latched it on. She didn't waste no time taking a nice shower. It was so nice to be clean.
Her bracelet started to flash a red light on the circle.

She giggled and answered her transmitter. "I hope your alone my love." She said

She saw Grievous notice she was in the shower and he hurried into another room. She laughed. "I'm sorry. I figured you would be awake and wanted to see how you liked your gifts. Your so beautiful."

"Yes everything is amazing and I couldn't be more happier for this gift. You really put your heart in this gift." Kessa smiled as she looked at the hologram

"I will be down soon to give you an update of what plans have been made. The Empire is changing." Grievous said.

Kessa could care less what the empire wanted. As long as she was with Grievous. "Don't make me wait long." She said as she let the water go down her.

"I'm coming down now. You do not have to tell me twice." He bowed and the transmission ended.

Kessa jumped out and was trying to dry off before Grievous was back. Was was able to dry off for the most part. She was drying what hair she had left in the mirror, she looked in the mirror behind her to see Grievous in the door frame. One hand on the door frame, other hand was held out, his index finger calling her over to him. She smiled at him. Through her towel on the floor and walked over to him. He placed one hand on her waist and then one on her face. He looked deep in her eyes.

"My Kessa. You're so beautiful. Your body is so intoxicatingly to me." His fingers that most would slice open as so soft as he rubbed her face.

"I missed you so much. I missed everything about you. Your metal, your fierceness, your love, your eyes." Kessa placed a head on his head and kissed him.

Grievous made and sound crossed between a list growl and a moan. "As much as I would love to do unspeakable love to you, we are demanded my Lord Sidious to attend a gathering. A new Sith Lord. We will meet him there. I was hoping you would be ok with it." Grievous was worried, he didn't know if she was ok with this being her hair so short.

"Yes of course. I want to wear the new black dress." She smiled. She could see he was concerned. "I'm not worried what people think about my hair. The only person that matters to me is you. And if someone else has an issue well, they better be out of your way." Grievous nodded. He held her wrist up to see the bracelet.

"I have been saving that piece of armor for the past few months. Hoping to have a good use for it. It looks perfect on you." He said as they walked over to the bed and Kessa put on her new black dress and a silver corset around it. Grievous grabbed her new cape and buckled it around her. She looked beautiful. Grievous let her put her makeup on while he made sure he hand all of his lightsabers together.
Kessa walked over to him, ready to go.

"I also have these for you. Figured you would like them back." Grievous handed her, her electric whip and lightsaber.

"Thank you. I thought I surely lost them." She placed them in her belt and pockets. "I'm ready when you are."

Grievous bowed at her in the most honorable way. "You deserve to be honored my no other my Lady. After you." He sale as he motioned her to the door. Kessa smiled and nodded. She when's through the door and Grievous followed. She then wrapped her arm around Grievous's arm and they walked side by side out to the cargo bay.

That's all for today. We are going into the new movie (Rogue One) and I'm going to do my best to work my perfect couple into this story! Grievous doesn't die, this is what if he was more in love than wanting to kill for sport now. Can't wait to make more chapters soon.

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