Chapter 13 The new blood

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Kessa was  standing in the hanger bay of a star destroyer. since the empire took hold everyone was under their command. she was looking out at the stars. possibly just taking the whole couple days in. she was now pregnant and Grievous was ever more protective of her than ever. she knew he meant well. As he was never post to have a child. Kessa's hair was growing back in a little. 3 inches now. she took a deep breath as she grabbed B.B.s hand to walk back into the meeting hall. Grievous had scheduled a Meeting with Darth Sidious about our whereabouts. we needed to be as safe as possible. for the babies sake. Kessa walked into the room to see several storm troopers lined up. she could hear Grievous and this made her nervous. the troopers let her pass with BB. she was still holding his hand so tightly.

"Why Grievous, would we lend you one of our ships to the outer rim? this doesnt fall in our plans. and in all seriously we need all of our ships for battles if the Rebels fight. we all know they will. You havent gave us any reason to make a decision for this movement." darth sidious was full hooded and standing infront of Grievous. he was bent over for respect, in a nealing way. behind Darth Sidious was Darth Vader. he saw Kessa walk in and she nodded at him.

"My Lord. my intent is to say in close but far away distance. i will be ready if needed." Grievous was trying not to say he knocked Kessa up.

"I am sorry but we can not have you leave us." Darth Sidious replied.

Grievous Groaned with fists clinched. was about to regret what he was going to do. but Kessa cleared her throat before her Husband did something out of not thinking. "My Lord." they all looked. "what do you sense." she was starring at them with a stern look. She still had her little droid on her side.

Darth Sidious approached her. he stopped a foot away from her. "a child? this is most certainly something that wasnt planned." he looked at Grievous that now stood up and was looking at Kessa. "I see. you want Protection for her and the child. you never had a way with words Grievous." he walked back to Vader and turned around "i still can not give you a star destroyer for your own." Kessa looked at the ground but then saw Vader walk around Sidious.

"I would like to offer shelter in the Death star. we have nurses on standby ready for help." Vader said to Grievous, who wasnt happy with the situation. "we all can help protect Kessa. United." Grievous walked over to him, starred then with a sure understanding,  shook his hand.

"They come first. no matter what." he said and Vader nodded.

"Thank you Vader for helping them. im sure we will have a wonderful new Sith to teach. a new Blood." Darth Sidious said as he walked out of the room. Kessa had an upsetting feeling about what he said. she didnt want her child to be a sith. or a jedi for that matter. but she could figure that would when in time.

"Come we are heading to the Death Star now. you can follow us there in your ship." Vader said.

Grievous Grabbed Kessa's other hand as they left to her ship. "that was foolish to think you could bully your way to get what you wanted. I dont want you to do anything crazy like that for now on. please." he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Im Sorry." he said as they boarded harlot to make there way to the Death Star


6 months later..

(Just a heads up the time line of the original movies has been fast forwarded here. It won't exactly match but hey it is what it is. So don't get to upset that characters show up a lot sooner than they should)

Kessa was sitting in one of the command chairs watching Darth Vader make orders. The Death Star was approaching Scarif. They knew what was going to happen. Rebels where there. And Darth Vader had to stop them. Plans to destroy the only home that Kessa had, it was awful.

Kessa had here legs pulled up under her. She was full belly bump now and was wearing a long black flowing dress since nothing else fit anymore. Here hair was golden locks flowing down now again. She looked beautiful.

"We will be jumping out of hyperspace soon." Vader said.

Grievous walked into the control room as the Death Star slowed down. He went straight over to Kessa knelt down infront of her  chair. "Are you ok?" She smiled and kissed him between the eyes. the "you worry so much. We are fine." She rubbed her babies and he pressed his head against it. Her belly bounded as the baby pushed on his head. He looked up at her with excited eyes. "She knows your there my love." Grievous stood back up because they just came out of hyperspace. So many Rebel Alliance ships where here. Most where jumping into hyperspace.

"Stay here make sure to keep eyes out. You two are still the best Generals we have had. I'm going to get what I came for." Vader left very fast out. The Lieutenant in command made an order. "Fire when ready. Set to Destroy Scarif." He looked at Grievous and Kessa. Kessa's heart started racing. She didn't want this.

"Fire!" Grievous said without much hesitation.

Kessa looked as she was hopeless as the beam shot down, it hit with great impact. The explosion shook and engulfed the planet. Killing everyone in the path. She got up holding her stomach as she stood.

"It's for the best. We can not have any chances." Grievous said trying to comfort her. She nodded as he couldn't understand her reasoning. Grievous loved the war, the fight. But she never really did. She did what she had to, to survive.

Transmission coming in.


"The ship taking off to the eastern. Use the tractor bean. The girl. Stop her!" The voice was Vader.

The commander set the tractor beam. The ship started its way in. As the other ship with Lord Vader landed as well. "I'm going down there." Kessa said to Grievous as she started to the door. "I know you to well. After you." Kessa followed by Grievous when to see who had the plans to destroy the Death Star.

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