Chapter 7 wrath of Grievous

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Can we get a big thank you for my obsession for this story! I just can't get enough of this pair! This chapter will have everything in it. Please  ignore any spelling errors lol
And thank you for all my support

Kessa walked side by side with Noxin. He smiled as she caught up to him with a smile.

"I'm glad you are finally enjoying yourself. You have been here for several days. You need to learn to be happy again. Here. With us." Noxin said. They came to a the gathering. Around 40 outlaws, misfits and pirates where here. The bar had another slave woman making drinks for the men. A few other women dancing in cages hanging from the second level.
"Come I want to show my trophy off." He pulled on her chain and she followed him to the bar.

"Dexter this is my new sith trophy!" Kessa looked at him stern and with no showing of happiness on her face.

"The thing has no hair. Shame. And her face, you must have had a fun time getting this one." He laughed and took a large drink of his beer.

"You wanted a drink Kessa? Here." He handed her a beer. Kessa grabbed it and popped it open with her chain.

"Not my favorite but it will do." She said as she chugged it down.

"She must be a feisty one!" Dexter said.

"Picked her myself cause she killed 2 of my men and a customer in 3 mins." He said as he ordered his drink.

"Killed many more before them as well." She handed him the empty bottle back.

Kessa made eye contact with the bartender slave. The woman's eyes said save me. She was listening to every word she could from Kessa. The men were ignorant, the vibe Kessa produces can tell you to not fuck with her but these men are to cocky. Wanting trophies for there own.

"I want you to dance for us." Noxin said

"Excuse me?" Kessa looked at him like he was stupid. This wasn't a good idea she found out.

Noxin grabbed her chain and pulled her close to his face. "Dance on the bar, or there will be consequences. He pushed his gun to her stomach. He smiled when he did.

"Ah yes. Dance. That's what you meant. Play me a good song." She walked up to the small stage area on the bar. Another hoop for her chain was there and Dexter placed the chain end through it so she couldn't run. Like she wanted to try.. Noxin turned on a upbeat song. The men started to hoop and yell with excitement. Kessa took a deep breath.
'He is here. I saw him. Soon.' She thought.

She walked up on stage as the music got louder she twirled and moved. Noxin got up on stage with her. Waving his hands in the air.

"My prized trophies my men! Let's give it up for this lovely girl!" He said as he grabbed Kessa and gave her a big kiss. Kessa did nothing cause she couldn't. She used all her force to yell in her head.

'Hell... Now please!! GRIEVOUS!!!! Help!'

Bang! Noxin fell off the stage as the ship hit something. Kessa was caught from falling by her chain that she grabbed back to make her self stable back on stage. The men started to run out of the gathering hall. Men yelling "shields down!"
"Being fired apon!"
"A blue ship is about to come into the cargo bay!"

Kessa saw Noxin looking at her. She looked back and smiled as she twirled back on stage.
He made a growling sound at her.

"He is here. You have lost. I am not your slave Noxin!" Kessa spat at him.

He turned around at her, hands up high he started to force choke her. Lifting her up in the air. She couldn't breath. Kicking she couldn't get any grip.

The Heart of Grievous [2nd in series] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now