Chapter 1

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I've been wanting to publish this for so long and now that my mpregs are done and my second little!frank story was unpublished I think I finally can so you're welcome


I felt a hand shaking me awake. I groaned quietly, rubbing my eyes. I glanced down at my blankie, which was rolled up for a pillow.

"Gee, you fell asleep again," Mikey said quietly.

I sat up, looking up at Mikey. I had walked to the cemetery again to visit Frank's grave. Within that time, I must've fallen asleep. I looked at the big grey headstone.

Frank Anthony Iero Jr.
October 31st, 1998-January 27th, 2017

I whimpered quietly, running my hand over his gravestone.

"C'mon, Gee, let's go home," Mikey said. "Ms. Iero is coming over for dinner."

Ms. Iero has become closer to our family, her and my dad were friends now. She was still really sad about Frank but I think I was even more sad.

"Dad said you can have some ice cream too afterwards," Mikey told me.

He helped me up and held my hand as we walked home. Luckily the cemetery wasn't far from home so I could walk there since I'm not allowed to drive a car still. I hugged my blankie to my chest, sniffling quietly. My blankie has replaced Dee and I take it everywhere now since Dee was buried with Frankie.

"We can watch a movie too, if you want," Mikey offered.

I shook my head as we walked up our driveway. The smell of something cooking filled the house when I walked in. Ms. Iero gave me a hug and I sniffled.

"How about you wash up for dinner, Gee," my dad said. "It should be ready in about ten minutes."

I went upstairs to my bedroom and wiped my eyes. I changed out of my clothes, which were dirty from the mud. I got dressed into one of Frank's black hoodies and a white skirt. I went to the bathroom and washed my dirty hands. I looked into the mirror at my reflection. My hair was messy, eyes red from crying.

It's been two months since Frank passed away and I still missed him so much. Everyday hurt so much without him. I used to spend everyday with him, but now I just go to school, go to tutoring, go to work, go to therapy, then go home.

They got me a new tutor, some lady who is kinda strict. She doesn't teach me in fun ways and she always gives me so much work. At school I usually just hang around Mikey or Pete. Sometimes with Frank's friends too, they're all really nice to me.

They had a memorial thing at my school for Frank and I hated it. People there didn't even know Frank. And then the principal let people go up and talk about Frank. Brendon and Ray went, along with some other people. Mikey thought I should go too but I was too scared. There were a lot of pictures of Frank. Ones from when he was a baby and a little kid. I was even in some of the photos. Pictures of us playing with my toys and on Christmas and at his grandpa's house.

Then they had a whole speech about drugs. They talked about how you shouldn't do them and this is what could happen if you do. That made me really mad. It's not like Frank wanted to crash. It's not like he wanted to leave me. He loves me, I know I didn't say it back but he loved me. He didn't mean to crash, it was just an accident. It wasn't his fault.

I remember I started crying. I screamed too. Screamed at the principal for saying all those mean things. Mikey and Pete had to carry me out while everyone stared. And then I just cried in the hallway while they tried to calm me down. They had to take me home, it hurt too much to be there.

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