Chapter 5

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     Let's go back about 3 hours, before this 'thing' happened.

    "How about we got to the park this time, Carter? We don't go to the park that often, usually my house which gets boring after a while." Izzy says as were walking towards her house. She still looks so beautiful. Though i don't love her in the same way couples do. More in like I would fight someone for you kind of thing. I sometimes can just stare at her beautiful, dreamy, big blue eyes. Thinking about what could have happened if I had asked to go on a date instead of 'hangout'! That is all in the past though and i don't mind just being friends. The spark i had the first time I saw her has kind of faded away....

    "I mean, I guess!" I say trying to be funny, by nudging her shoulder. It is going to be a little cold. Usually I wrap my arm around her when she gets cold. Only in a friend way though. We get to the park after grabbing some snacks from Izzy's house. When we get there we sit down. Talk and walk most of the time. we ran into some of our friends at school, did not talk to them long though. After about an hour and a half we sit down on the grass. Looking at each other and laughing like normal best friends do.

    We sat on the grass for a long while. Just looking up at the sky. Making comments every once in a while. We make shapes out of the clouds. After about 2-3 hours of laughing, talking, being ourselves pretty much. We go back to the car and sit down. Me obviously driving. We sit there for a minute looking at each other. She looks at my eyes. She doesn't just see me, she sees through me. I see right through her, also. Before I even notice, I have my hand on her leg, by her thighs. Her hand is on my shoulder. We kiss. I want to turn away and say this is wrong but I can't. I thought for the past 3 years we would be nothing but friends, but right at this moment, it is as if it is just me and her. No one else around us. After a minute or two, we turn away. Not knowing how to react to this or know what to say. I start the car still confused on what happened, back out and drive Izzy home.

    We don't say anything the whole way back. I pull into her drive way, looking at her waiting for her to get out. She doesn't open it though. She gently kisses my cheek. Then heads for my lips. I turn away this time. She gets embarrassed, I can tell. She slowly gets out of the car. As she is getting out, someone calls her, It's Aiden, I see on her phone as she gets it out. 

    'Hey. Aiden, why are you calling?' She says as she answers and sits half back in the car.  The sound is really loud so i can hear what he is saying. 'We need to break up, like for reals this time, Izzy. It is just not working. It's not me, it's you. Sorry babe.' I can see her starting to tear up but she wipes it away because she doesn't want me to see. She hangs up, not replying back to Aiden. Gets out of he car, says 'Thanks." and walks to her door. STUPID me I didn't even say anything to her, sorry or anything like that. 


    I try calling her over the weekend but she doesn't answer. Isn't answer my texts either. I start to worry. On Sunday night a get a text at like 8:30. 

Izzy: I am sorry to do this, but I have to leave!

That is all I got from her. I try responding saying what do you mean, or why are you leaving but I got no response from her. I lay in bed not knowing what to do. I just lost my bestfriend and its all my fault!

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