Chapter 16

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    "Oh my lord, Izzy, what the hell happened to you?" I ask, as i grab her shoulder telling her to come inside. "Was it an animal?" She looks confused. "I-I was just w-walking through the um... woods, can't really remember where I was going, and all of the sudden this girl is standing right in front of me. I could swear she wasn't there a couple seconds ago. She stated that her name was Nastia, she told me to stay quite, and not scream, as if she were demanding it and then all of the sudden she is growing fangs, her eyes are turning gold and her vanes under her eyes are popping out. Then, she um...she....bit my neck. Sucking my blood out. She stopped...then looked me straight in the eyes. She bit her wrist and fed me her blood, healing every bruise, cut, sprain any type of injury. Then, she snapped my neck. I woke up, I woke up from DEATH, Carter, DEATH. Now, all I can think about is ripping your god damn throat out and sucking every ounce of blood in your body."

    I didn't know what to say, I was scared, I was scared for my life. I had no clue what the hell was going on. 

    Izzy stands up, still dirty as hell from the woods, walks towards the open door and walks out, closing the door behind her. 

    What in the hell just happened. This was too overwhelming. What was she ? Was this a joke or something ? A joke to scare the hell out of me ? Well, whatever it was, it was scaring the shit out of me.

    I go upstairs to my room and flop down on my bed. I close my eyes for just a second, and when I open them, it is daytime. I look at my clock, it is 1:15.

    I grab my phone to look at and I had gotten a bunch of missed calls and voice mails from a number I didn't recognize. I listen to the voice mails and it was Izzy's mom, calling, screaming into the phone. "Help me, she is going to kill me."

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